Don't call between 12 and 1.

It happens all the time. We think we know someone and then we find out we don’t—or at least not as well as we thought we did. I’ve decided that we may not know someone at all until we know what he or she does during the lunch hour. Life is full of surprises, and we may discover that a friend’s plat du jour may not be at all what we expected and that he or she has a taste for something different—something we may never choose from the menu in a million years. This happened to me recently. I found that a friend of mine spends her lunch hour in another state of mind...and most definitely in another world.

The title of this article purposefully alludes to the lunch hour—specifically the hour between noon and 1 p.m. You might be thinking “nooner” at this point…and you wouldn’t be wrong. It’s actually my friend Su-Z-Q’s nooner to which I allude. It’s an almost daily event that I had no idea took place—and continues to take place Monday through Friday. Let me clarify this statement. I know this nooner takes place all over the world, I just didn’t know it was playing out in my friend’s family room. Have I whetted your appetite? Are you ready for lunch? I’m certain that search engines all over cyberspace will “pick-up” hungry patrons enticed by my nooner references. Alas, I fear they may be disappointed in the fare. What’s spicy to one isn’t as spicy to others.

It’s true that Suzie’s nooner may not be what you or I have in mind as a great way to while away our lunch hour, but it turns her on…or at least the TV in her family room. It’s not a twosome, or even a threesome, but it does involve Erica Cane, whom some may recognize better as Susan Lucci. Yes, Suzie’s nooner has a large cast that’s been entertaining audiences far longer than most nooners ever last. It takes place in Pine Valley and every lunch hour the players serve up a hot and steamy dish for my dear friend. Of course, I refer to the “been around forever, and “probably be around forever,” soap opera “All My Children.”

Okay. Suzie is one of my beloved muses and I’m known for being a keen observer. How can it be that all of our friends, male and female, knew not to call Suzie between 12 and 1 except me? How did I not know that she was addicted to this program—and I do mean addicted. The answer is simple. Suzie didn’t want me to know. She went to great lengths (and personal agony) to hide her obsession. She hid her daily nooner fix from me for years. She’s more addicted to “All My Children,” than she is to “Nip Tuck.” If you knew Suzie like I do (or thought I did) that’s saying a lot. She’s been having this nooner far longer than we’ve been friends. She’s been keeping track of Ms. Kane for over 30 years.

I had no idea. We’ve traveled together for days and weeks at a time and never once did she watch, or even attempt to watch, the goings on in Pine Valley. She’s never mentioned that she watches this program and she’s certainly never dropped any overt hints. However, there were a few telltale clues that I missed. Guess I’m not that keen of an observer after all. Here are just a few of the road signs to Pine Valley that I ignored.

  • Name Dropping: Through the years Suzie’s made several references to Susan Lucci, which I chalked up to our age difference of 10 years and because Suzie knows everything that goes on in the entertainment industry, compliments of “Entertainment Tonight” and “Access Hollywood.”

  • Telly Interruptus: I’ve called Susie during 12 and 1 and unknowingly interrupted her nooners. I’m positive about this now because I distinctly remember several times when I’ve hung up the phone wondering why she was so distracted and abrupt…and even rude to me as she cut our conversation short. There have been times when I've actually worried about what I said or did to make her mad. Now I know. Telly interruptus was my sin.

  • Before or After: Suzie always schedules lunch, or errands, well before or after the 12 to 1 p.m. time slot. I always assumed this was so she could walk her dog Annie. Now I know that it’s so she and Annie can curl up together in the family room and watch Erica Cane strut her tiny little “it can’t be 60” fannie.

  • Don’t Bother Knocking: I’m certain that I’ve dropped by Suzie’s house during the 12 to 1 p.m. no fly zone. Perhaps to return forgotten sunglasses, a dish she left at my house, or deliver something I picked up for her at the grocery store. If she didn’t answer the door, even though I suspected she was home, I always assumed she was in the shower. I would leave the items at her front door and call later to make sure she found them. I see now that I eventually stopped knocking or ringing her bell during 12 and 1. I didn’t realize I was doing this or that her noontime behavior had hit my radar. I only knew that Susie was not all that friendly midday…at least not to me. I certainly didn’t know that something else was ringing her bell and getting an enthusiastic welcome and come on in greeting.

While these may not seem like obvious signs of a secretive assignation to you, they certainly link together enough so that I should have formed a question at some point...and asked another of our friends, “What exactly happens at Suzie’s house during the lunch hour?” I never did.

Suzie was “outed” by accident. If it weren’t for the slip of the tongue of another friend, Mrs. C0x, I’d still be in the dark and interrupting Suzie’s nooner on a regular basis. One day I innocently mentioned to Mrs. Cox that I needed to get a hold of Suzie and that she wasn’t answering the phone. Mrs. Cox forgot that I wasn’t in the know and replied that I probably called her between 12 and 1 p.m., to which I replied “So?” After some rather nasty threats (and a few bribes) on my part, I finally drug the truth from Mrs. Cox. She spilled the beans on Suzie’s nooner, and I laughed so hard that I cried.

Of course, I didn’t let on to Suzie that I knew her secret for quite a while. It intrigued me that I wasn’t to know about her nooner…when everyone else did. I was patient. I waited to expose her in front of her husband, who already knew about her regular lunchtime tête-à-tête with “All My Children.” Finally, one evening when we were all feeling no pain, I dropped the bomb on Pine Valley. Her husband started laughing hysterically and Suzie looked like the deer caught in the headlights, or the kid with his hand in the cookie jar, or better yet, the manipulating and conniving Erica Cane caught between the sheets of another man when her husband walks in and says, “Hi Honey, I’m home.”

It seems that Suzie was embarrassed about her addiction to Pine Valley. She knows that I don’t watch soaps...and that I never have and probably never will. She was ashamed to admit her little secret to me. She would rather have me interrupt (and irritate her) during her nooners than fess up. She preferred to have me think she was a rude biatch on occasion than tell me the truth. She chose to suffer silently over the episodes she missed while we traveled, than admit her attachment to this program.

Do I think any less of Suzie for keeping this secret? No. We all have our secrets. Do I think any less of her that she watches “All My Children” obsessively? No. It’s not like she's addicted to Jerry Springer. Do I feel sad that she thought I might think less of her? Yes, of course I do. She should have known that our friendship is not based on a script, or what we like to watch on TV. Now she does. Plus, there’s the added benefits: no more noontime telly interruptus for Suzie and no more biatch treatment for me.

I’m glad Suzie’s secret is out in the open…and that she finally, albeit accidentally, came out of the closet—or rather her family room. Some secrets are meant to be kept, others to be shared. This one was meant to come out—if only to educate me on the goings on of “All My Chicas.” I hope it’s the longest running soap in her-story. It may never be number one in the Nielsen ratings, and it may never win an Emmy, but Susan Lucci take notice. My Suzie’s secretive nooner performance didn’t take her 19 years to grab the “Outstanding Actress” award in my book.

Dedicated to “All My Chicas.” What would I do without my muses...and the boundless material they serve up willingly for my weekly essays?

©2006 Teresa G. Franta


Sideways Chica said…
Yes, I'm posting early this week because I am off to the desert for some wonderful dry heat and great times with "all my chicas."

Have fun everybody and I'll get back to you when I can.

Ciao for now...
Leann said…
When I was in high school there was a television on the second floor landing between staircases. (I don't know how or why this television was there, but probalby as incentive). Anyway, EVERY day at noon a group of kids would gather to watch All My Children. Female and Male (mostly female) I never understood the addiction to a soap opera. You can not watch it for YEARS and still know what's going on.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear LeAnn...I'm with you, but as I said: what's spicy to some isn't as spicy to others...and some people just don't like spicy. No soaps for me, but I do indulge in some other programs that might not be a friend's cup of tea. Shhhh! It's a secret.

Ciao bella...thanks for sharing and have a great week.
Dust-bunny said…

I admit, my grandmother got me hooked on "Days of Our Lives" when I was...ahem...ten. I watched it for years, and when my kids were born I got even more addicted to "Another World", which came on immediately after "Days"! I guess for me, I was living vicariously through the characters, as my life was pretty empty marriage-wise. Once I got divorced, I gave up the soaps, because my life became one!

I actually have a funny story regarding "Another World", but it's too long to go into thank you for giving me an idea for my next post!

Enjoy your weekend!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Lisa...the soaps are on for a reason - many people like them. Thus, the label "Soap Opera." Can you imagine the amount of soap AMC has helped sell? Add that to "Another World," and "Days...," and well that's a lot of soap!

Thanks for weighing in...

Ciao bella...have a great week!
Me said…
Teri, i am so glad you found out about Suzie’s addiction that hour of the day!! This must have been a relief that explained a lot of her abrupt calls and distractions on the phone when you least you did not do anything to provoke her you can have an explanation to it!
I admit shamefully that i got addicted to watching “All My Children” when my youngest son would take his noon nap over twenty years ago..once he stopped taking his nap during that day, i stopped watching it!! there was nothing else to do at home but wait for him to rest and nap, and i got hooked!! It was at times taking over my daily thoughts and i would discuss the events of the episode with my friends and sisters in law, it was a big part of our lives, suburban moms with kids napping at noon!!! every once in a great while i turn on the tv to watch soaps, i pay them a short visit, for minutes only, just to see how the characters aged and what they are wearing!!!
Thanks for another great post!
PS: i thought that i am out of town a lot, but it seems like you are out of town every weekend!!! have a great time!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Summer...Yes, it was a relief to find her out. In the back of my mind I was worried about how "anti-social" she was becoming during the day. Little did I know that it only lasted an hour!

Glad you kicked your habit chica...and even I get a kick out of catching a glimpse of Bo and Hope and Erica and all those soap stars that have entertained audiences for decades. Also, many a star have started out on the soaps and moved on to other, less sudsy projects.

As for my little trips...all the chicos will be with all the chicas this time, and as I live behind the Orange Curtain (in the O.C.), it is vital that I escape regularly for a reality check!

Ciao Bella...enjoy!
Tamarai said…
I agree that we all have stuff we keep secret, though I must say that some of the stuff is really not as huge a deal as we like to think it is!
Anonymous said…
I have a little obsession that is SO much worse than AMC. Dare I say it? I watch Laguna Beach. And I want my daughter to see it. She's only seven, but look, three boys have dumped their girlfriends so far. In this paradise-on-earth setting, these poor little, vain, starry-eyed girls are being completely humiliated by shallow, moussed, pathetically dull little boys on national television. Beautiful beach, drama, beautiful beach, shopping, beautiful beach, heartache. Why can't I get enough?

So, I tell my daughter, let's make a pact. Let's skip this when we get to junior high and high school, okay? Let's take up the cello, instead.

Enjoy your trip to the desert! We live in Idaho in the high plains desert. Rain, humidity can be such a welcome thing. :-)

Hey, if I wanted to share my new blog with you, could I do that? If so, how?
Angel said…
Two words --- Soap Net.

They replay that day's episode of AMC here @ 8-9PM and again at 3-4AM-- as I found out during yet another sleepless night last night.

My mother got me hooked on that soap as a child and while I don't have a lock-down for it, I do love me some AMC.

It's a lovely rainy day today...

Happy Friday!
Chris said…
Ah, gulity pleasures. They are truly the best pleasures of all. I always laugh when one of my friends hides something like that from me. It suggests they think far too much of me to do so.

Still, it must feel nice to be held in such high regard, that she would want to keep such a thing secret from you.

And I see one more thing we have in common. I'm a big fan of the "drunken burn" myself. If you're going to bust someone's chops for something, do it when they can't get up to chase you. ;)
let me try this a 3rd time-you reminded me about my sister and mom's nooners!
Big Dave T said…
Personally, I think the lunch hour is an intensely private time, regardless. There is so little free time during the work week. I try to use my lunch hour (half, actually) to catch up on blogs, personal e-mail, fantasy football, news, etc . . . while I'm also eating a half a sandwich and a piece of fruit.

Yet, my lunch hour is also the time my boss likes to chat casually, usually about how his kids are doing in sports. (Sigh)
Kacey said…
When I was in my thirties, I had a thing for "Days of Our Lives" and "Another World in Bay City", until I came to the realization the nobody lives their lives down by the waterfront with unsavory characters. Grandma and Grampa Horton were educated folks, who would never have approved of their grandkids doing the nasty with scumballs to the tune of fog whistles. And--- I quit!
Snap! Just like that! Of course, I moved on to talk radio and computers, but I kicked the soap opera thing while my mind was still capable of setting the mush.
My darling daughter (single mom to three boys)has a real thing for reality shows and you cannot call during thepse show on penalty of her being rude and dislikeing the interuptee. And, she has added football to her repetroir and a bunch of other sports. I fear I will never see her again. I do admit to having a thing about "Gray's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives", but if I miss one it is not the end of the world. Isn't your friend a little yhoung for Erika Kane? I thought she was really old, but just looked very good for a woman who has been married 19 times, stabbed, shot, crippled and the sufferer of multiple miscarriages? Oh, well, the networks are counting on us to keep them in business.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear right you are. We worry about things that would never hit the radar if we didn;t make such a big deal out of them.

In this case, it has become such a big joke that we still can;t stop laughing about it. ;)

Thank goodness for good friends.

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Anonymous...welcome! The city of Laguna Beach is my backyard - literally! I could tell you so much dish about the show, yet I've never watched it. My son knows the original cast, I know some of the the mothers from the gym we work out at, etc. Food for thought...not everything is at it seems, and some things are!

I post a new article every week. Hope you make it back again. Next time you leave a comment, type your web address and I'll pop in and visit you.

Ciao for now.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Angel...Soap Net indeed. Only one problemo - Suzie does not have extended cable (hard to believe, isn't it?)

Enjoy the fall rain chica...wich I were there!

Ciao bella...have a great week and get some rest!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Chris...we have had so much fun with this story of Suzie's nooner, especially how I dropped the bomb. Somewhere along the family tree we must be related, if only a tiny little leaf on a tiny little twig.

Enjoy the week LLB...and ciao for now.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear glad you could relate. Seems as if Suzie's nooner is a popular one.

Sounds as if you had a problem posting a commment. Blogger "eats" them once in awhile. Hungry Beast!

Hope all is well chica. Ciao for now...
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Big Dave...I'm all for lunch hour privacy, I just never got it. ;)

Perhaps you could tell the boss that you have an errand to run (bank, etc,), and then sneak back in after he leaves. You probably already tried that, didn't you? Btw, how are the kids doing in their sports? Tell me about it tomorrow at lunch!

Ciao Big Dave...I'll stop by when I get caught up! Have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Kacey...glad you hit on the computer thing chica. I've worried a bit about being labeled as a "pajama blogger," even though I rarely write while wearing PJs. My point is that one can argue that blogging is like a soap...and as (or more) addictive.

I like Grey's Anatomy, but am losing interest in the Housewives. My favorites are "House," and "Boston Legal." There are a few others, but as they are a dash political, they shall go unnamed. ;)

Ciao bella...are you in FL yet? If so enjoy, if not, have a safe trip!
Anonymous said…
Oh, Teri!

I certainly hope I didn't insult you or your associates with my comments on Laguna Beach! I realize that MTV distorts things to make more intriguing television. And I can't imagine being followed around by a camera crew 24/7. How much energy would it take to be "on" for that much time?

What an amazing setting! In your backyard, no less!

So. here's my blog. It's I'm new at this. As much time as I spend writing, I spend even more time editting even the published entries. My blog is always in a state of between-edits. And while I go by Kristina, that's actually my daughter's middle name. I just suspect I might write something a bit too honest someday and it could come back and bite me. :-)
Reach said…
I stopped by last Friday, before I had to leave for the base, yes it was time for the "Weekend Warrior", and I did not leave a comment. Funny, I think I might have been distracted by the TV around Noon.

Anyway, I hope that Suzie's cool with her "Outing" "outer" you.

G said…
Teri: Just when you think you know someone! That was funny. My best friend and sister do this to me from time to time - "don't tell her". Who am I the judge - ha! It always comes out eventually and then we have a good laugh as well.

Have a great week amiga. ~ G
Sideways Chica said…
Dear a.k.a. Kristina...

No worries chica, I'm a native California with thick skin and a penchant for irony. That's fortunate given where I live. As for these shows, some is life imitating art, some art imitating life, and the rest just entertainment.

Good luck on your new blogging I said to Kacey, it can be as addicting as "All My Children, or in your case, "Laguna Beach."

I will pop over when I get caught up, and thanks for coming by and weighing in on this week's article.

Ciao for now...
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Reach...I wouldn't want to interrupt your nooner, but I am glad you came back after you, er...finished up?! ;)

Ciao Reach...have a great week, and yes, Suzie's fine now that she's out of the "family room."
Sideways Chica said…
Dear G...I see we have a few more things in common. You must also be a sideways chica. Glad to have you in my circle! ;)

Ciao bella...hope all is well in your neck 'o the woods...or should I say apple orchard?
fjl said…
Great stuff Teri- sorry I hjaven't been around, I'm blogging on police curruption and I don't want to force anyone.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear FJL...very funny line chica. I'm sure you will do this subject "justice." I've been working on my book, taking care of life, out of town, and sadly left with little time for blogging around. I will however pop over soon...unforced of course. ;)

Thanks for coming by and have a great week.

Ciao bella - enjoy!
FH said…
Hey, I am a happy woman or chica as you would say!!:)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Foodie...Welcome, and back at you chica!

Ciao for now...and thanks for stopping by. ;)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear seems as if the spammers are out and about again. I will have to disable the "anonymous" feature until Blogger gets it under control. Hopefully it will be only for a bit.

Thanks...and ciao for now.
G said…
What Luke and Laura reuniting. What? It's just that it would be interesting to see them all these years later. It was my friend who watched obsessively, I was just over her house. :)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Pia...your story is familiar to me. I had a good friend into (obsessed) with General Hospital 21 years ago, and I can swear she used to go on about a "Luke and Laura" way back then. Wow! ;)

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear G...let me repeat my "Wow" from above! You snuck in as I was answering Pia. Boy...just the mention of "Luke and Laura" reminds me so much of this friend.

Ciao for now...
Sideways Chica said…
Dear G...your friend, eh? Sure, whatever you say. ;)
Nicole said…
HAHA! That last photo is hysterical. ;)

Hey, I don't see anything wrong with having a vice like "All My Children". At least she picked a GOOD soap to get addicted to.

I have a "friend" who won't answer the phone during ANY beloved show and she pretty much lives her entire life in front of a TV set.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear said it little sister! I know a few who are addicted to anything playing on the boob tube - couch potatoes!

Glad you appreciate the nod to my favorite soap that plays out every day in my hood.

Ciao bella...enjoy!

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