
Showing posts from February 12, 2006

The cat's meow...

Okay, your kid is cute, but my cat is pretty darn cute too! Just "kidding." Even so, got your attention, didn't I? Speaking of kids , a friend called recently to let me know that she is fed up with parents these days. Not all of them, but quite a few. She fervently outlined a conspiracy theory involving an age-old contest that she says never ends, never changes, and never delivers any awards. It requires most parents, male and female, to think that their offspring are more a dvanced, intelligent and beautiful than any other children. "Of course they do," I replied. But my friend doesn't even pause to catch her breath. She goes on to say that the parents are always prepared to prove the ir point with visual aids...again and again and again. One four by six photo at a time. In this not-so-secret society that my friend described, parents compare their children with their friends' children. "Did you see how much better our little Tommy threw the ball ...