Please...keep the change.
How many times have you heard someone say, “I thought I could change him” or, “I thought she would change?” Trying to change people seems to be a national pastime. I say “trying,” because that’s all it is…an attempt, which is generally unsuccessful. I remember a friend in college w ho was convinced that she could change a gay friend of ours—if he would just have sex with her. Just like that, she believed tha t she had the power to change his sexuality. So confident (and relentless) in her quest was she, that our gay friend transferred to anoth er college—without putting her theory to test, and without leaving a forwarding address. Hmmm…I wonder why? Think about it. How many success stories have you heard? Sure, you may get your significa nt other to wear the clothes you pick out, including those stylish Italian loafers. But isn’ t this just window dressing? The sam e old model with a new coat of wax? When the wax wears off, and you’re not around, I’m betting the window dressing stays...