Born to whine...
I’ve come to the realization that some people are born complainers. Not born to be wild, but born to whine. They complain and whine about everything. If they have to work an extra few hours, they complain. If they have to work on a weekend occasionally, they complain. If they don’t have enough work to keep busy, they complain. If it’s not sunny enough outside, they complain. If it’s gloriously sunny, it’s “too” sunny. If it hasn’t rained in a while, they complain. If it rains a lot after a long dry spell, then it’s raining “too” much. Everything is an inconvenience—or injustice—that they take to heart, as if meant specifically for them. What amazes me about complainers is they complain about things beyond their control—or anyone’s control for that matter. The things they complain about which are in their control, they do little about—except, of course, complain. These are the folks that are lucky enough to go on a nice vacation and then come back and tell you all the ba...