Put on a happy fake...I mean face!
Let's face it, we've all been in situations where we're supposed to be either happy or sad for a good friend...and the feelings just aren't there. So what do we do? Do we pretend or dare I say fake it? I'm talking about joyous occasions, like weddings and babies—or tragic situations like divorce and death. The major, momentous events—milestones on the everyday path of life. Consider this: Just because it makes us feel better to say something, do we really need to say it? And is it okay to fake it if our intentions are good? When faced with the announcement of a significant event from a good friend, the golden rules of friendship dictate that we act and react a certain way. It's mu ch the same as the little white lies we tell everyday to people we hardly know. Like, "I love your new hair color," when in fact we don ’t. Or "I’ve never seen a cuter baby," when in fact we've seen a lot of cuter babies. We've all done it. We're a...