I don't, but I do.
At a party recently, someone brought up the “I don’t” trend of older couples. It was said by one friend that there’s not enough motivation anymore to say “I do” if children are not in the master plan. I know several of these couples. I’m not referring to couples who have “his” and/or “her” children. I’m talking about couples who have no children, on either side, and are approaching (or just past) the half century mark. Many have been together for years (and years), and still have not tied the proverbial knot—or have they? Some of these couples are content with their “single but almost married” status, and others not so much. There’s this one case in which the chica would really like to be married. It’s n ot the wedding she wants per se, but the ring and its symbolic commitment in the eyes of our society. Her significant other has held out for over eight years. Before the comments come in saying that it’s time for this couple to fish or cut bait...or get off the pot, read on. If y...