Did she really say that? Out loud?

I have one friend ("Kelly") who consistently says the most amazing things...and gets away with it. Whether she meant what she said or not, she gets a pass. Not me. One slip of the tongue and everyone assumes that I meant exactly what I said, exactly how I said it. I like to think my slip-ups are rare, but if not, I have plenty of friends who'll set me straight. Generally, I do mean what I say, so if I happen to slip-up, no one ever believes that I didn't mean it the way it came out...or the way it sounded. Thus, I have lost a few friends along the way. Kelly makes these could-be-construed-as nasty or insulting comments all the time. After any of these so-called slip-ups, someone invariably says, "Let it go, that's just Kelly being Kelly. You know she didn't mean it like that."

But how do we know she didn't mean it like that? How do we know she wasn't insulting my taste, and my favorite Donald Pliners, when she said, "You're not taking those shoes to Italy are you?" I'm a fair person, so I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps she was sincerely worried about the health of my feet hobbling along uneven cobblestones for seven days. On the other hand, maybe she just hates my shoes. Either way, my point (and I do have one) is that some people, like Kelly, get a pass. Others, like me, are in the don't pass line.

There are many "Kellys" in the world who say things that most of us never could (nor would) say out loud. Like Kelly, they get a pass. Why do we make allowances for these consistently "don't mean what they say" people? What if they do mean what they say? Perhaps these slip-ups aren't slip-ups at all. They could be as Freud believed; verbal mistakes that are thought to reveal unconscious beliefs, thoughts, or emotions. Let's take this a step further. What if they aren't Freudian at all, but said purposely? Those who make these comments might just mean exactly what they say, exactly the way it sounds. How do we know? Like the time Kelly told my petite size four friend, "You look great, did you lose some weight?" It's a wonder this friend didn't turn anorexic. Not to worry. We all told her... "Let it go, that's just Kelly being Kelly. You know she didn't mean it like that." Another time, after losing some weight herself, Kelly gave our Brazilian friend some of her work clothes (as they no longer fit). This was a nice gesture, until Kelly followed up with, "I'm glad someone can use them. After all, I'll never be that size again." Ouch. Whether or not Kelly meant what she said (or implied), the result was that Brazil got mad. Then got even. She started tending her "garden" obsessively and quickly got into fabulous shape. Brazil is now a very nice, shapely (read sexy, darn her) size six. One could make the argument that all's well that ends well. Not me. I wish Kelly had just gone to the local tailor or made a drop off at Goodwill. We rarely see Brazil anymore, as she's too busy showing off her new assets...and the last time I saw Kelly, it looked as if she had gained back a few of those "I'll never be that size again" pounds.

This little drama has put a kink in our (now broken) circle of friends. You see, Brazil didn't give Kelly the customary pass. Her healthy Latin temperment kicked in. No matter how hard my friends and I tried to persuade Brazil, we couldn't convince her that Kelly didn't mean what her words implied: Kelly was in great shape, and Brazil was not. My fiery Latino friend says she is still bleeding from biting her tongue so hard that she nearly choked...or she nearly choked Kelly. I'm not sure which almost transpired, and I'm glad I wasn't present at the time.

Our little circle of friends, except for Brazil, has continued to make allowances for Kelly's little slip-ups...just as you probably have (or still do) for someone in your life. Why? It's simple. We want to believe that those who make these comments are absent of malice. We want to believe that they don't intend to hurt anyone intentionally — and that they don't really mean what they say, or imply. Most importantly, none of us want to think that we need to lose a little weight, or that our shoes are ugly, unless, of course, we decide it is so...on our own.

I had just resolved to let all of this Kelly business go. To chalk it up to terminal "foot IN mouth" disease. No harm, no foul. After all, my shoes came from Italy, and will go back to Italy...on my feet. Did I hear someone say pedicure? Our petite size four friend has her appetite intact...she didn't succumb to the newest diet fad. Plus, I believe Brazil will come around again, once her "new car smell" dissipates. Then, WHACK! I got hit with another of Kelly's alleged slip-ups, and I'm still smarting from the experience. No, she didn't attack my shoes again. She asked me, in front of seven other dinner guests (male and female), at my home, at my dining room table, and while eating the food I worked all day to prepare... “You're not having seconds, are you?" Hmmm? Perhaps Brazil is onto something. No more free passes. Come to think of it, no more dinner passes either. I don't care if she does make a fabulous salad.

Now I have never been accused of being overly sensitive, but I started to ponder this situation at length. I began to put these strange "Kelly" comments into context and found an interesting pattern. Eventually, I decided there might be times that Kelly does mean what she implies with her alleged little faux pas — that perhaps this is her sneaky way of expressing an opinion. I discuss this with the rest of the "circle" at lunch one day. After each person weighed in with one (or more) "Kelly" story, we unanimously decided that enough is enough. One of us will speak up and tell Kelly to take more time and think before she speaks, and if she has something to say, or an opinion to express, to say it — honestly and directly. No more hiding. You can probably guess who was voted in as spokesperson for the group. That would be me. I tried to get out of it, as I am very direct. I argued that I might not handle this situation with the necessary diplomacy. Regrettably, I lost and the majority prevailed. How shall I do this? Well, I think I just have.

Just in case I haven't been sufficiently direct, let me be perfectly clear on this matter. Kelly, we love you, but you must get treatment immediately for your "foot IN mouth" disease. No more free passes, no more innuendos and no more speaking before you think. Otherwise, we shall have to amputate — either your foot, to keep it from going into your mouth — or my foot to keep it from kicking your tiny little "I'll never be that size again" hiney. Nope, no slip-ups here. I meant exactly what I said...exactly how I said it.

Dedicated to Kelly and Brazil — If the shoe fits, wear it.

You both look great. Now kiss and make-up. Otherwise, my shoes are made for walking...and that's just what they'll do...over each and every cobblestone they encounter in Italy, all by themselves.

© 2006 Teresa G. Franta


Angel said…
Note to self:

Practice use of,"I'm sorry, could you please repeat that?"

For any such encounters of FiM peoples.

Glad you finally got to post ~~ twas a ripe one this week!

I'm off to hit the low road and bite the BIG APPLE.

And yes, I have my camera. ;)
Priyamvada_K said…
Dear Teri,
Like you, I'm one of those that can't get away with anything I say. I can't just be having a bad day or whatever - no such slack.

Some people get away with it, though. All the time.

And there are some people who are the foot-in-mouth types, but if anyone questions it, they will cover it up with "I was kidding" or "I was just saying that, didn't mean anything bad" as an exit phrase.

Arggggh. I knew someone who'd pretend I don't have a sense of humor if I call them on their hurtful comments. But - and here's the thing - try that same type of "kidding" on them and they'll be up in arms. Ha!

Good for you and your friends that you decided to confront this friend on the hurtful phrases.

Kacey said…
Lousy Cox Cable --- it stuck my comment under your FUBAR explanation. How did that happen?
Anonymous said…
Lo, Kelly --- you have incurred the TeriBle wrath of a truly great friend! I suppose one could always look wide-eyed and innocent while saying, "Did I say that?"
My family has always said that I say some odd things in person, but am much better at expressing myself in print. Maybe, people could tell the unstable mouths of the world to "put it in writing".
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Angel (of the Dawn)...yes I am here, and (for now) I have high-speed connection again. Whew! I didn't even get to do a final polish to my article. Oh well.

Yes chica, when anyone makes one of these FiM (foot IN mouth) statements to me, I always say' "Excuse me? What did youi say?"...or "Can you repeat that?" Or even..."What do you mean? I don't understand." I don't let them off the hook.

Have fun in the City...looking forward to that picture!

Ciao bella...
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Izzy... Yes, good friends can be brutally honest. But that means being "brutally honest." This I admire, but what I can't condone is catty (sorry cats) little comments that people like to hide behind. Either have the guts to say what you mean and mean what you say...or bite your tongue. Hmmm? I think this is a bit personal for me. Nah! Once I write about it, I let it go.

As for Lisa...sounds like you called it as it was.

Ciao chica...have a great week!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Priya...some people can dish it out, but serve it to them and they find it distasteful.

You...no sense of humor? This couldn't have been a close friend...because we all know you have a great sense of humor...and I'm not kidding.

Ciao chica...have fun!
Sideways Chica said…
Kacey, Kacey...yes I can be Teri-ble at times. Especially when I decide to say it as it is...or at least how I perceive it to be. Life is too short for nonsense as you well know. I like the "put it in writing" idea, as it always helps me...even if I don't share with anyone else.

Sorry for the FUBAR with Cable. I moved your comment up.

Have a great week and pop in and let me know how you are doing.

Here's to the "stable" mouths of the world...may they educate the unstable ninnys.

Ciao chica...
B.S. said…
I'm glad you were finally able to post today! And yes, I've encountered people like Kelly, who seem to be given some sort of tacet permission to behave that way. I can think of one older woman I know who falls into that category. Her age protects her from confrontation. Your friend Kelly will be better of being offered the opportunity to change her habits before age protects her!
Anonymous said…
Teri, likely you don't get a pass because you're articulate and probably very tactful when you say something that has the potential to cause pain. Thus, everyone has high expectations of you.

Conversely, FiMs everywhere are given a pass because that's just what people expect of them. It's like excusing a child with, "Oh they're just a child. They don't know any better." So, just like when your slip-ups are deemed 'intentional', FiMs' 'slip-ups' are written off as unintentional, even when they mean it. I can imagine it would be difficult for such a person to get the rest of the world to take her seriously when it really matters.

I'm glad you got back online. I was concerned that I was having computer issues when I didn't find your article. :) And this one shines just nicely, even if you didn't get to "polish" it.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Betty...Glad you brought up the age issue. Yes, it's interesting that "age" does tend to protect some of these "Kellys." I have encountered this many times. Sometimes I let these comments pass out of respect(??) and sometimes because it's just not worth it. Most of the time I choose my words carefully and speak my mind. I also say to myself, "Teri, is this really the hill you want to die on?" Keeps things in perspective.

Hope all is well in your little kingdom...

Ciao bella...
Priyamvada_K said…
Dear Teri,
Thanks for the vote of confidence.

The person I mentioned used to be a friend many years ago - in my naive years. Not anymore, thank God.

Happy Friday - and glad you got your internet connection back!

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Raynwomaan...

re your words...

" I can imagine it would be difficult for such a person to get the rest of the world to take her seriously when it really matters."

so true chica...so true.

Thanks for hanging in there with me this morning. And thanks for the kind words. BTW, I do make slip-ups...and usually I don't mean them as they sound. Such an astute comment chica, that I, like Kelly, am judged on our histories (or her-stories).

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Back at you Priya...

Happy Friday to you!!
Reach said…
I do look forward to Fridays. Like so many people, I write diferrent than I speak. My words, as I speak, very much represent my thoughts. I have this horrible ability to take a conversation and turn the tables on the speaker, with the casual "but, you said..". So, at every opportunity, my friends let me have it, when I misspeak. About the "never going back to that weight" situation. If it were I, Brazil, I would have taken those very clothes to the tailor for some adjustments. The cost, alone, would have been worth the look on "Kelly's" face, as she thought she is now "larger" than before. But, that is my little vindictive side.
The cool part of any "Circle" of friends, is, the circle does not break forever. All will be back and the circle will again be complete.
Now, as a guy, I do not understand the offense of shoes. I guess I have answered my own question- As a guy. How's the other half, doing well? I hope. You won, but I should have known, "to kill a mockingbird". And, you are correct.
Have a good weekend,

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Reach...yes the circle shall mend...and we shall all laugh about this soon. Actually, one by one, we are - laughing that is. I have had several emails and phone calls. Can't really remember any of the comments, as the laughter took over. So...maybe I was direct enough to make my point, and humorous enough to avoid any more hurt feelings.

The other half's "knee" is not so well, as the "therapist" did something to it about two weeks ago. We are working through it now. Thank you for asking. Hope your situation is progressing well.

Ciao Reach...have a great weekend.

(Remember Scout)
Hi Teri,

We've both been "off" for a while. Excellent post as usual. I am like you in that NO ONE lets me get away with anything. As for the FiM-ers, I believe that the behavior is deliberate. No one can do that sort of thing 'accidentally' over and over. Hopefully your friend can take the criticism and change her ways.

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Juliemora...welcome back. We'll see if she takes my "not-so-thinly-veiled" constructive criticism. If not...we'll then, I've got a great pair of pointy little boots!

Ciao chica...hope that new computer is settling in.
Chris said…
I knew a guy like that in art school. He would say the most offensive things imaginable to all of us, then follow it up with, "no offense", and we were supposed to give him a pass based solely on that.

Unfortunately for him, he was dealing with a roomful of (mostly) young guys, and we just piled on the verbal abuse until he stopped doing it. ;)

Another great one, Teri. And this week I have the added pleasure of enjoying it from the comfort of my couch on Saturday morning.
Shankari said…
Hi Teri!

Lets just say you make my week-end, not just a Friday!

Yes, we all have our share of such 'friends'- yet as you say, stand up to them and they just seem to run off! Lost a couple of 'friends' that way. Now I hold my peace and move on without necessarily losing them.
Sideways Chica said…
Hello Chris... I remember someone like your "no offense" art school friend from my high school days. Haven't thought about her in years...but I hope she changed her ways. If not, nasty old lady in the making, I am sure.

Enjoy your Saturday...it sounds as if you already are. :)

Ciao for now...
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Shankari...

Really? You "always" hold your peace and then move on? Surprises me a bit. I would think that though you would choose your battles and your words carefully, that you would speak your piece on the important issues...even if it caused some discord.

Another thought; perhaps you "hold your peace"...then you take time to think through everything and then you "write your piece."

Either way...I am glad you speak your "piece" here...

Ciao chica...
Happy Weekend!
fjl said…
I plead so guilty to this. I do it all the time, (mmm even sometimes on the blogs...) but it's a need to be accepted I think, to be the lively one.. you want people to feel, " it doesn't matter what you say, you've got your talent and you are great to be with, so we still love you". But there are some remarks that are just plain inexcusable, and she should know that!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear FJL...sometimes I stir things up a bit on purpose and sit back and watch the fun. But my friends are on to me by now..,and they look at my expression, my eyes especially. Then they gang up on me, which is just as fun.

Yes, Kelly should know better. Alas, I fear she learned it somewhere - in her early formative years. Hard habit to break (or defense mechanism). We shall see (or hear) what happens.

Ciao chica...have a great week.
Leann said…
It certainly sounds as if your friend needs to spend a bit more time reviewing what she's going to say and how it might be interpreted by the person on the receiving end.

Fortunatley I don't have any friends like that. They say what they mean in a loving and diplomatic way......hmmm...perhaps I should take lessons?
Sideways Chica said…
Dear LeAnn, I could say "if the shoe fits..." But no, I would guess you are more like I am...direct. I don't think you hide behind "slip-ups." And I can't imagine you ever hurting anyone's feelings purposefully. Hmmm? If you didn't have a cat, I could ask if your bark was bigger than your bite. Glad you are surrounded by a great circle of loving and diplomatic friends. We direct ones need that. Thank goodness for mine. :)

Having said that, this friend of mine is a very caring and giving person. I think the writing of this article (and the reading and responding to the comments) has helped me put it into perspective. I believe she learned this behavior long ago, as a child...and is now ready to try on a new, better-fitting, more mature and certainly more attractive pair of shoes. Not mine...but a pair that will fit her...and all of her friends just fine.

Ciao...have a great week, and don't let the boss get you down.
Nicole said…
This post is so timely and so dead-on that it's almost eerie. Although the comments of the friend you're referring seem, for the most part, inadvertent, I have a "friend" that blurts whatever's on her mind and DARES any of us call her on it.

We all wonder to ourselves why we've put up with her so long. Some of her comments have been totally unacceptable and inappropriate yet, after our fury passes, we kinda ignore how much of a jerk she is and continue with our acquaintanceship.

And I say "acquaintanceship" since our only form of communication nowadays is via email. That makes it extremely to overlook how evil this woman can sometimes be. She's crossed the line so many times that none of us consider her a real friend anymore. We just keep her around because she can be pretty entertaining to chat with on a regular basis. But a true, blue friend she is NOT.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Nicole...when writing anything like this, I choose to use the most harmless examples...because if they can make the point just as well, why revisit the really nasty stuff.

Sounds as if you have your chica figured out, and are in control of the situation. Good for you!

Ciao chica...have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Blue Heron...good to hear from you. I'm not sure which is worse either. I hope you work out your situation, as my friends and I have.

On the thank you issue. This makes me crazy. I taught both my boys (husband also) to always say please and thank you. Is this truly a lost art? Sounds like an article for another day. Maybe I will, thank you.

Ciao...and have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Blue Heron...good to hear from you. I'm not sure which is worse either. I hope you work out your situation, as my friends and I have.

On the thank you issue. This makes me crazy. I taught both my boys (husband also) to always say please and thank you. Is this truly a lost art? Sounds like an article for another day. Maybe I will, thank you.

Ciao...and have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Yes Blue Heron...I learned from my father to never lend money to friends or relatives. You must gift it and hope that someday it will be gifted back to you in some way. If you haven't read my article "What would Shakespeare do?," you might want to check it out. It is in the section on the sidebar called "With Friends like these..." Hidden in the guise of the question whether or not to set friend's up on blind dates, is the "tainting" issue...and the money lending issue.

In closing, I will point out the irony of your situation. You know this already, I am sure. This will teach you a lesson, and probably not the "friend," who is the one that needs to learn a few lessons.

Can you see my "wry" smile...ciao bella.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Blue Heron...I am so glad that you are laughing. It truly is the best medicine.

Ciao chica...
Anonymous said…
Awesome post (as usual). It's amazing how isolated kids become as the years pass. I'm sure my older sisters and brothers probably thought I was totally sheltered. Now I'm amazed at how seldom kids actually get out to even breathe fresh air. Sure computers, DVDs and PSPs are fun...just not all the time. ;)

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