And the beat goes on…

Saturday evening my husband and I had some friends over. It was a small and intimate affair—with many laughs all around. It was also special because we toasted someone from my life—from all of our lives—on the sad occasion of her death. Before we began our meal, we all lifted our glasses in a toast to Beth Levine. It didn’t matter that I was the only one at the table who knew who Ms. Levine was...and how she influenced our culture so long ago. Each person obligingly repeated her name and clinked glasses, no doubt curious to see where this was going.

After the toast, my guests looked at me expectantly, with the same look of confusion that I imagine is clouding your vision now. I told them that Beth Levine had played a big part in my youth—helping to capture many memories of me dancing around and laughing—every moment caught on film by my father, to haunt me all the days of my life. As I waited to see if anyone caught on, I saw my husband smile. He knew where this was going. Next, I explained that Ms. Levine was 91 upon her death, and that she was widely considered the First Lady of shoe design. I also related that Ms. Levine was widely attributed for bringing boots back as a fashion statement for women in the 1960s...and in some circles these boots were even seen as a symbol of female empowerment. A few more smiles ensued. Finally, as our background music clicked over—on cue—to the French version of “These Boots are Made for Walkin’,” all of my guests smiled and then laughed. Another toast was in order.

Yes, Beth Levine designed the white stiletto boots—made for walkin’—that Nancy Sinatra immortalized while singing and forcefully walkin’ her way up the charts to number one...and into a part of Americana that will remain in my heart forever. The year was 1965 and big girls and little girls everywhere just had to have a pair of white or red go-go boots, including tiny little me. I don’t know if this song had anything to do with my ideology as a woman years later, but I like to think that I was influenced by those strong, in your face lyrics and the style in which they were sung—especially for back in that day.

Of course, this song is arguably campy and at odds with the sex kitten images that marched along with its catchy beat. Never-the-less, this song, more than any other, reminds me of me. Well, that and “Let me entertain you,” as sung by Natalie Wood in the movie “Gypsy.” What can I say? Even as a kid I liked to entertain and make people smile. Obviously, the true meanings of both songs were lost on me until over a decade later. Rest assured, I haven’t given a performance in years...until recently.

When I sent a pair of pink go-go boots to my little niece last year for her birthday, I didn’t really think of the “boot” song per se, but I did think of the fun I had with my white go-go boots as a child. One evening this summer, when I visited my brother and his family, my little niece came running outside wearing her pink boots and said dance with me Auntie Teri. So we danced. I sang “These boots…,” and then she joined in just in time for our grand finale. She had never heard this song before, but she was a fast learner considering she was only three. Once again, the camera was rolling—capturing every moment of our impromptu performance.

Although I was absent of boots...and wearing a pair of high-heeled wedges, together my niece and I walked into some old Americana with a new pink twist. I know my niece will always carry this memory with her, as I have carried my childhood memory. It was a special time and it reminded me of those carefree moments that only children experience...simply because they’re not too inhibited to experience them.

For her birthday this year, which is just two weeks before mine, I’ll be sending my little dance partner the original Nancy Sinatra version, as well as my now-favored French version, of this iconic song. Yes, girls do want to have fun...and why not? Perhaps my niece will read the lyrics to this song some day and understand their meaning. Or maybe not. Maybe she’ll just have fun and dance as the beat goes on. Either way is fine with me. I only hope that she confiscates the video of our performance together before she graduates from high school and her big brother plays it for all her friends to see. History—or her-story—has a funny way of repeating itself. Funny strange, not funny Ha-Ha.

Are you ready boots? Start walkin’!

Dedicated to the Angel of the Dawn…thanks for reminding me that I wasn’t the only little girl who aspired to be a go-go dancer back in the day. And thanks for the memories—old and new. Sheb Wooley, and the “Purple People Eater,” also comes to mind. Glad these thoughts made it into my recycle bin…not everything should go out with the trash.

© 2006 Teresa G. Franta


Me said…
Teri, a toast to Beth Levine for reinventing the power boots and to Nancy Sinatra for a great tribute to women all over the world. Growing up in the middle east i first heard this sone back in the late 60's and it had an impact on me, i did not know what it was, but i loved the beat and could not understand most of the words, i loved it back then and i love it now, a great beat and powerful lyrics that for sure i understand very well now...thanks for your post, again another good one! and i am the first to comment today!!
Angel said…

I need more dancing and less packing these days and I certainly would love a pair of PINK go-go boots.

I need to someday see both of these video memories.

*runs back to my cardboard dungeon*
I remember with fondness how sexy I felt when I wore my pairs of high heeled boots in my youth. I loved those things and the mini-skirts and Cher hair I wore with the look of the time. My dancer friends and I even choreographed a jazz number to the Nancy Sinatra song-thanks for reminding me of such a fun time Teri!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Summer...have you heard the french version of "boots"? I love it...and so do all of my friends, male and female. It seems this song promotes serotonin or something that just makes people smile or laugh. Except of course the version played on those "cheesy" pizza commercials with Jessica Simpson in her Daisy Dukes.

Ciao bella...glad you enjoyed. Have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Angel (of the Dawn)- Woot right back at you chica. Hmmmm? I wonder who has possession of my video memory from a thousand years ago? Not me. I fear my brother does, the same brother who is the father of my little pink-booted foot stompin' niece. Boy am I in trouble!

Thanks for the clipping. You just knew I would write about this...didn't you? I admit that I thought it might draw you out of your cardboard dungeon, only if just for a moment.

Ciao bella...are you ready boots? Start packin'!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear are very welcome for the memories chica. That's what this was all about...

If anyone could "jazz" up an already pretty amazing number, I bet it was you and your friends. Perhaps you should put the "boot" song on now, and wiggle your bright pink cast a bit. Might make you feel a bit better...goodness knows what the Design Divas would think. A Kodak moment to be sure.

Ciao for now Carine...have a great week.
Kacey said…
Dear Teri, We have to stop meeting like this! Our minds have become like conjoined twins. On Sept. 5th, I wrote a quickie little thing in my blog called "And the Beat is Gone". It wasn't about boots, but you can bet I was singing that song while I typed! I was a young mother of three, when go-go boots were in fashion. I have to admit that I did have a couple of pair (I think the boxes are still in the closet), but mine were black patent and off white and I wore them with wool shorts and long A-line Pendelton skirts. I was not making a statement of my independence, just keeping up with the Joneses. Mothers are like that--- yeah, they are!
Thanks for stopping by my place --- I really appreciate your taking the time, when I know you are a "for real" writer. Your pieces ar always great reading.
Reach said…
How appropriate is your post of found past memories. Today is my last day on these "Medical" Orders- I shall be released to full duty tomorrow and I will hold memories of adventures my flight boots have witnessed. On this note, I shall think of this song in a new light, as I wear a new pair of boots that are "Made for walking and that's what they're gonna do".

Additionally, even though I am a guy- your article brings back memories of some white go-go boots and a blonde woman in my youth, and her role in my life's evolutionary process. The thoughts of that time bring a smile to my emotions. Thank you

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Kacey...I just knew you were a go-go dancer at heart chica! Perhaps you should get those boots out of the closet once in a while...and find out that the beat most definitely is not gone dear heart...just on pause. Find the french version of "boots," and I promise those boots will be walkin' again, and not in A-line Pendelton skirts this time!

Ciao bella...have a great week.

10:41 AM
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Reach...I am glad to have "reached" you on both levels...the new "walking boots" path, and the fond blonde memories. Thank you for sharing with me how this article touched your life. You brought a big smile to my face this morning.

Ciao buddy...have a great week. Walk on!
Debbie said…
I am so sorry I was so busy latly that I did not get time to stop by here. As for the boots That was not of my generation, but I always loved the song. Nancy always seemed to know exactly what she wanted. Have a great week!!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Debbie...good point. A girl needs to know what she wants.

Ciao bella...hava a great week. As for the busy thing, back at your chica.
My boots have never looked that that, but more power to you Teri! Thanks for another interesting read.

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Andrew...thank you, and back at you on the "interesting read" comment.

Have a great week.

Doug Bagley said…
those were the days, weren't they? Gogo boots, mini skirts, sex, drugs and rock and roll, OK, not all of it was great but it a time of coming of age for our generation.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Doug...definitely a coming of age for some, and for others like me an impression was made that has played a role in who I am today - for better, or worse. ;)

Here's to rock and roll...and the beat goes on!
Dust-bunny said…

Such a fun article. We had a "thing" with the Sinatra's in my household, and I did have my pair of white boots as a little girl, thanks to mom. I preferred sneakers, but the boots definitely looked much cuter with a skirt. Now I definitely prefer the boots, and have several pairs...very excited that I'll be able to wear them again soon!

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Lisa...yes, I'm excited that "boots" are once again made for walkin' too - and dancin' and whatever else we decide. Although the sneakers are nice too. ;) Mostly I'm excited that it's fall and I can wear my hats!

Ciao bella...have fun!
JulesinParadise said…
Adding my glass clink to the rest! Bravo to Beth. I had a pair of shiny black go go boots and loved them! You brought back some lovely memories...thanks.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Jules...right back at you on the toast. I love all the "boots" coming out of the closet. I've received quite a few emails from others asking about the French version of the boot song. When I find the CD Case, I will post the info in case any of you are interested.

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
By the way...Blogger is sluggish again and it takes a while to make a comment, and sometimes "eats" them afterwards. Guess I better switch over to the Beta version. I am a bit leery, so if any of you have any words of advice on this (do's, don'ts) please let me know.

Chris said…
Now THAT is a fantastic story. I've been reading and enjoying them all (for all that I've been doing so silently), but this one just demanded comment. Do you still own a pair of go-go boots? If not, I make a suggestion to all your loyal readers that we chip in and buy you a pair. But only on the condition that we get a performance. ;)

Great story, LLS. I've noticed that many of your recent ones are more personal and a little more revealing. Getting comfortable with us? ;)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear, great to hear from you LLB! You made my day. I may have dodged that "performance" bullet" though, as I already have my own pair of boots, thank you very much. ;)

Yes, I suppose I am getting a bit more comfortable, and also my writing reflects my life...and currently I am in a bit of an exploration phase - not too deep though, just trying to own a bit more of who I am and where I came from.

Glad you are back at the keyboard dude...I will try my best to keep up. Already I love it!

Ciao LLB...and by the way, I'm pretty sure you will also enjoy this Friday's fare. ("Calling all cougars...")
Leann said…

I never had a pair of go go boots...somehow I think I missed out..LOL

I LOVE that song tho and all it represents. When I karaokee someone inevitably sings that song and all the women join in. It is very much an empowerment song and back in the day I'm sure not welcomed...LOL

Have a wonderful week
Sideways Chica said…
Dear LeAnn...I think that when you get settled you should seriously think about getting a pair of those "walkin'" boots. Perfect for karaokee, dancin' or for kickin' a get my point. Careful, it's a sharp one! ;)

Ciao Bella...have a great week and good luck on the job search.
Leann said…
LOL....thank you for that "point" dear. I appreciate the thought. :-)
Anonymous said…
Campy or no, I can totally relate to that song. Sometimes you just gotta stomp and trample to get where you're going. ;)

And I admit that I never knew it was Nancy Sinatra who sang that song.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Nicole...and why would you little miss young thing?! The original is much better than Jessica and Willie, although I do admit that I have a soft spot for Mr. Nelson.

And yes, once in a while it takes a little stompin' to get the job done.

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear LeAnn...glad you got my point!
Priyamvada_K said…
Dear Teri,
Just dropping in to say hi. Till reading your post, I didn't know there were such things as go-go boots, so didn't leave a comment last week.

Hope all's well.

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Priya...well, I'm glad I could introduce you to a bit of silly Americana.

Ciao bella...I hope you are well and reaching more and more for the light.

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