Time for tee...or tee for two?

After taking seven years off, I’ve taken up the game of golf again. This time, my approach—literally and figuratively—is much better than in the past. A torn rotator cuff and the subsequent surgery caused my hiatus in the first place. Golf was never my primary sport, as I was a tennis player. After forgoing the tennis courts for the same reason, I recently accepted that tennis would never be my game again. My serve will never be the same and the possibility of re-injuring said rotator cuff is a problem. So, I decided to revisit golf—the sport I only half-heartedly played with my husband, children and friends whenever required to do so. This time around, golf seems much more social...more fun. I’m not just talking about the 19th hole. There is a different vibe. Everything about golf seems more alive…and paradoxically, more relaxed.

I wonder what’s changed. It’s not the same old-school (read: uptight) game I remember…with the same old-school (read: snooty) people. Egads…maybe I’ve changed. Maybe I’ve turned old-school (read: uptight and snooty). Impossible! I may have lightened up a wee bit, but it’s the game that’s changed. At least it has in my zip code. Perhaps Tiger and Michelle have something to do with it. Or maybe it was Kevin Costner and Renee Russo steaming it up in Tin Cup. Regardless, I find the changes on and around the links refreshing.

Fun though it’s proving to be, golf won’t fulfill my aerobic quota. I’ll still be hitting the gym three times a week. Since hanging up my tennis racket, I’ve been pumping iron to the beat in one or another exercise class. As I go to an all-female gym, the past two weeks of playing golf have been enlightening. The male-female dynamics I’ve encountered while chasing the little white ball hit my radar smack dab in the middle of the green…and pin high. It seems that I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the peripheral company of men.

So far, I’ve played one round of 18 holes with one of my chicas, one round of nine holes with my husband and I’ve gone to the range once—by myself—to practice. Each time I’ve found myself in some fun exchanges with the opposite sex. I’ve no idea whether any of these men are married, single or even heterosexual…but I do know that they were friendly, courteous, and professional…and in all cases, well dressed. It’s true that I’m not in the market, but I know plenty of women who often complain how difficult it is to meet nice, professional men. Perhaps these chicas should take up golf. From what I’ve witnessed recently, there seems to be plenty of “fore” play to go a “round.” I could say something else here about strokes and balls…but no, that would be a cheap shot. Same goes for any twosome, threesome or foursome references. I have to admit that the wordplay is a bit tempting. I’m not sure even I can resist a “hole in one” reference. Guess not.

Back to the co-mingling. Do I really think these men were flirting with me…or testing the waters? Not really. I think they were just relaxed, friendly and confident types that liked seeing a woman out pursuing the sport. Plus, they assumed we had something in common, and they were correct. We have golf in common, which brings me to my main point.

Through the years, I’ve told countless women that the best way to meet a guy is while enjoying an extracurricular activity. This could include hiking, running, biking or even tennis. I know one woman who met her significant other at a dog park. Another friend met her guy at an art exhibit. If we’re truly looking for companionship, then meeting someone who already enjoys doing something we like to do is a bonus. Besides, if we’re out doing something we enjoy, then we’re not really looking—and everybody knows that when we’re looking we never find what we want. It’s only when we aren’t looking that what we’re really looking for finds us.

What’s that you say? You don’t play golf. Just because you don’t play golf…or run, or hike, or go to art exhibits or the dog park, doesn’t mean you couldn’t try any of these activities. You never know. You may find something—or someone—that suits your fancy. If you don’t meet a potential suitor, then maybe you’ll link up with some other chicas who share your same interests. Finding good friends is almost as difficult as finding a good mate. A word of caution though; renting clubs or borrowing a racket is one thing, but I suggest you actually own a dog if you go to a dog park.

Sure, there are other ways to meet guys…and dogs. You might get lucky and meet someone while testing the melons in the produce department of your local grocery store. Some people go for workplace romances. After all, working for the same company, and in the same industry, is something in common. Plus, you don’t have to spend any money on equipment or green fees. Personally, I subscribe to the “Don’t get your honey where you get your money” philosophy. Things can get way to sticky. It’s no bargain if you have to change jobs. Of course, there’s always the old standby…as in meeting men in bars or clubs. About that—it’s always wise to remember that drinking and dark lighting can impair our judgments and theirs.

Again, I suggest golf. It’s a safer bet. It’s a daylight sport and it’s very forgiving. It actually comes with mulligans (do-overs) and gimmes. Plus, if the on course “stroking” ends up in the rough, there’s always the 19th hole. No longer “just for guys,” some of these places serve a mean cosmopolitan.

Time to go. I’m off to the practice range to hit a bucket of balls…and I’m taking a single friend along for the ride. I think she’s hoping to play a little “skins” soon. Me? I’m just hoping to improve my aim and my putting. Honestly…it’s my short game that’s on my mind. Well, that and maybe an ice cold cosmo with just a little peripheral vision of the galley action. Tee time anyone?

© 2006 Teresa G. Franta


Kacey said…
Hi Cute thing! We just happen to live on an outstanding golf course --- right on the fifth tee. You should see the view I get as the gals address the ball, squat down in a stance that looks very similar to the "over the john" position, then they wiggle their feet innumerable times (just like Sergio Garcia). Next, they smack that ball and it dribbles 25 yards and I am treated to another westbound view of an eastbound golfer. I took a series of lessons when we first moved there and would ask my darlin husband what I did wrong after any given shot. His reply was, "Shut up and get in the cart". Off we would go and he would explain what offense I had committed. We have shortened the tag line to "Get in the cart" and he sprinkles our conversations liberally with that little gem and it is so much nicer than Shut Up! The one thing I do very well is getting out of sandtraps. I was so proud of that --- until it was pointed out that if I was great at getting out --- I must be equally gifted at getting into said traps! Oh, well --- you can't win them all --- and I am a terrific quilter, great at wallpapering and pretty darn good at decorating. What man wouldn't want an all round woman to sit in the clubhouse and chat intelligently? (Especially one whose drives really suck!)
Kacey said…
Oh, I forgot to say---I ADORE TIGER WOODS!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Kacey...you are too funny chica. I am still laughing. I like Tiger too...and you might want to remind your guy that Tiger, on occasion, hits a bunker too!

Ciao bella...have a great week and enjoy the cart rides. ;)
Sideways Chica said…
Kacey...by the way, I visited your other blog last week and was touched by your story. I tried to leave you a comment, but blogger wouldn't allow me too. Just wanted you to know. ;)
enjoyed this column, it's always a good thing to get back into the "swing" of things! while I can't hit a ball w/ a stick no matter what their sizes would be, I'd love to get out there and try. Especially given all the fun it sounds like you're having! My Steve used to play golf, sort of, in all our years-maybe 6 times total. LOL
Spicy said…
Or go 'sniff' some guys at the gym, while losing weight and getting in shape, of course! Right on! The last place to meet guys is drinking in dark bars,,,,,,oh my, I could have chewed my arm off! but that's another post!
Single women out there, should just forget about meeting guys, and go do what they enjoy, and voila, 'they will' meet them, playing golf, or museums, or walking the dog,,,,,or taking a course, but forget the bars.
Unless he's holding the bar while you're lifting it......eh? could happen!
I heard a lot of single women are meeting 'eligible' bachelors at cooking courses!
B.S. said…
Dear Teri,

I can't hit a ball with a stick, either, being athletically challenged as I am. What a shame. The men I've known who have golfed have seemed appealing. In fact, the best boyfriend I ever had (yes, the one that got away) was a golfer and I used to walk the course with him while he golfed. It was boring indeed, and I always felt like an outlaw. (As you probably know, walking without playing is not allowed on some courses.)

Maybe I could become a caddy or something.....

Ballpoint Wren said…
Teri, you hit the sweet spot with this one! (Heh, there's a little niblick humor for ya.)

My (then) single sister tried golf but it wasn't active enough for her. While she played, though, the men were always asking her out!

I realized then what a gold mine it was for single women! I don't know why more single gals don't take it up.

I never liked golf much, though, because I don't like the sun. I melt.

Oh, and my sis eventually met her husband while rock climbing. I think I'd rather golf.
Dust-bunny said…

I never would have realized the suggestive word play that could be engaged while talking about golf, of all things! You are too funny!! But then again, I've never been a golfer, so I wouldn't have a clue what kind of "language" they speak!

I do know a lot of women who golf, and I agree with you, it's a great place to meet men of substance. And I personally don't see anything wrong with harmless banter between men and women who ARE attached...keeps us on our toes, and certainly makes us want to look our best even if we're playing a sport or at the gym!

Take good care,
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Carine...clever wordplay chica! Perhaps you should encourage your steve to get back in the swing of things--and join him! ;)

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Matty...I tried to work the "bar" metaphor into the gym thing...but I see now that I needed your wit chica! ;)

Ciao bella...enjoy!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Betty...caddy indeed! I laughed out loud at that chica! Too (too) funny!

Ciao bella...hope all is well. I will pop in when I can to see what's happening in your corner of the cyberworld. ;)

Ciao bella...have a great week!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Bonnie (Ballpoint Wren)...I think I prefer golf too...I don't care too much for heights and rock climbing might leave me out on a ledge! ;)

Ciao bella...I'm still a bit peeved a those evil winterbells! Have a great week chica!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Lisa...sing it sister! I like being around the opposite sex as it does indeed keep us attached chicas on our toes and as Carine says "in the swing of things!"

Ciao bella...enjoy the week.
Spicy said…
Glad you saw my New Year post, and also glad you didn't take offense..!I do get a 'little'crazy at times with a glass of Chardonnay in hand! Thanks for the compliments.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Matty...as you said, you flattered me chica, how could I take offense at that? Plus, you were pretty funny too.

Here's to that Chardonnay...sounds like great inspiration to me. ;)

Ciao bella...
Shankari said…

Missed you.
Reach said…

Hello from a stranger- well sorta. With all of my dealings of late, I've just not made the rotation and left a word- I apologize.

Ah Golf, if you ever desire to put a round out at the Lawrence Welk Resort, let me know. My father has a couple friends there.

It is good to be back,
Until we next read,

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Shankari...back at you chica! Hang in there and keep writing.

Ciao bella...my best to you and yours.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Reach...hello back stranger! Good to hear your voice.

When I'm ready for some social golf I'll "reach" out and let you know. ;)

Ciao friend...have a great week.
Big Dave T said…
Maybe it's a good thing I met my wife at work. Neither of us golf. I always figured golf was a sport I could take up when I retired. However, I seem to be developing rotator cuff problems myself.

Yeah, golf does lend itself to humor well, of all types. I've got a pretty good inventory of golf jokes, despite the fact that I've never set foot on a fairway.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Big Dave...I'd love to hear those jokes sometime...perhaps an idea for one of your witty and very entertaining columns?

As for meeting your wife at work...glad you got your "honey."

Ciao Big Dave...have a great week and it's good to hear from you.
Chris said…
Okay, that's it. I am totally giving golf a try. Either that, or I'm just going to hang around while you play, because... damn. ;)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Chris...what can I say? Perhaps "Swingers do have more fun?" Did I really say that? YOU are a bad influence LLB! ;)

Ciao dude...and welcome to my foursome. Bad again...now look what you've done. I'll probably end up in the rough...or out of bounds!
Chris said…
Aww, that's okay, LLS. I like it rough... and bound. ;)

Well, who's the bad influence now? ;)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Chris....touché - and ouch!
Kacey said…
Dear Teri. Thanks for visiting my blogs. You make great sense with the "Mag Lite". They are heavy as lead and my s-i-l uses them in his Highway Patrol work (Heaven forbid the police should use a gun on criminals). I just would hope it works better for me than it did for Clair Maglika. Ciao for now.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Kacey...you're welcome and my pleasure chica. As you know, I haven't much time to get around to other sites regularly, but when I do, you never disappoint!

Funny (strange) that you bring up the Maglicas. I actually thought of them when I mentioned the mag lite. I have some interesting production stories regarding their company and Mr. Mag...which all happened before and then during the divorce proceedings...if you can call them proceedings. ;)

I guess sideways minds think sideways alike sometimes.

Ciao bella...get those lights installed and get some rest.
Priyamvada_K said…
Dear Teri,
Nice post. Just dropping by to say hi, and to say that my latest post is part inspired by and kind of related to your earlier one. Take a look :)

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Priya...good to hear from you chica. I will pop over and check it out. ;)

Ciao bella...be well.

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