Tivo this!

Hello, my name is Teri and I’m a Tivo-holic. I have three Tivo machines in my house and one cable DVR. My oldest Tivo is from the first year they hit the market and has only a few hours of storage capacity. As new models came out, with increased storage space, my husband purchased the newer model and then moved the older model to another room in the house.

This all started when I was working 95 or more hours a week. I would come home in the wee hours, make something to eat and then watch a bit of TV to wind down from a long stressful day. My television viewing tastes are a bit esoteric, and as nothing I was interested in was ever playing when I came home, my husband bought me the first Tivo recorder for Valentine’s Day eight years ago. It was a thoughtful and romantic gesture that I’m sure he regrets. I am the Tivo master. Bottom line: I always scan back to hear every word of dialogue and I never watch any live programming, unless it’s the Super Bowl.

Ahhh…the Super Bowl. Never figured me for a football girl, did you? I’m not—I’m in it for the commercials. Having been in advertising for so many years, I watch these commercials to look for new trends in content and production from the movers and shakers of Madison Avenue and beyond. Remember the ads for the dot com companies that dominated the Super Bowl coverage a few years back? Many of these companies went under soon after paying millions for their coveted Super Bowl spots—but the style and design of the commercials lived on much longer than the whiz kid companies did.

Therefore, once a year, I watch TV live and I watch all of the commercials. The rest of the year, I zap through commercials at warp speed on one of my many Tivo machines. There are a few exceptions though, which brings me to my point. Whenever I start a writing project for a new product, I start watching commercials for a while. Again, my purpose is to spot new advertising trends and production techniques. This past week was an intense commercial week in my house. I watched commercials for three straight nights. Let me tell you what I learned.

I learned that KY has a new self-warming liquid lubricant. Their packaging tag line reads “See what happens...” I also learned that vaginal dryness commercials have replaced penile dysfunction commercials and that herpes is contagious even when an afflicted person is not having an outbreak. Wow. Remember back in the day when tampon commercials were the embarrassing moments of family television viewing? Speaking of periods, I should probably end my article here, as in done, finito, end of sentence…period. I won’t, but I will tell you that I didn’t see one single commercial for tampons, but I saw one that advertised a product for “feeling feminine fresh.”

What happened to the good old days? I can’t believe that I actually miss the tampon commercials. Given the current alternatives, can you blame me? I think the herpes commercials are a bit in your face, but they seem to be getting a message out and correcting dangerous misinformation. So, I guess I will give these ads a pass. As for the others—not so much. For shame Madison Avenue, for shame Corporate America. For shame.

It was in 1967 that the FCC banned tobacco commercials from the airwaves in a controversial ruling. For some reason the Virginia Slim tagline, “You’ve come a long way baby” comes to mind. Ironic, isn’t it? It seems as if we’ve done anything but (pun intended) come a long way—especially when it comes to inappropriate advertising. Promoting personal lubrication and “feeling fresh” feminine products on primetime TV is beyond the pale…or at least beyond the border of my allegorical white picket fence.

Those who know me well will think this position at odds with my firm conviction on every person’s right to free speech, commercial or not. However, I’m not talking about free speech here…nor am I garnering support to institute measures “designed to restrict commercial speech in the name of the social good.” I’m simply talking about a sense of decency and good taste. Good God ya’ll. Have you seen the KY ad…and heard the “reminiscent of soft porn” music playing in the background? I expected to hear the doorbell ring and have a voice call out “Pizza Man.” Less is more Madison Avenue, less is more.

Ah well, what else can I say? The times they are a changing. If people don’t want to talk to their doctors, or peruse the appropriate aisles of their drugstore, or ask the pharmacist about their vaginal dryness or “not so fresh” feminine problems, and are content with these commercials staring them in the face while watching television with their families, then so be it. I am but one chica. I have but one voice.

I do have three Tivo machines and one cable DVR…plus two eyes and two ears. Television commercials only work if they get the right “frequency” and “reach.” Madison Avenue be warned. You’ll not get my frequency, my reach, my two eyes or my two ears. My three Tivos and one cable DVR will see to that. Done. Finito. Period.

Wow. I feel so fresh now—and in a feminine sort of way. Now hand over the clicker!

Disclaimer: Tivo is ready and willing when the time is right for you. If your Tivo remote is erect for longer than 4-hours, contact your doctor. Or...I guess you can wait and “See what happens...”

© 2006 Teresa G. Franta


Me said…
Teri, good post, thanks!! i never had a Tivo ever, maybe i wont know how to work it!! the commercial talk is really informative and fun too!! i love your disclaimer at the end!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Summer...once you have Tivo your life is changed forever! At least mine was. As I said, I have been Tivo-ing for over eight years now. I can watch an hour program in 40-minutes and half hour program in 19-20-minutes without the annoying commercials. Plus, I can skip through all the redundant self-serving stuff on the news.

As for the disclaimer...I guess I just couldn't resist the "urge." ;)

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Anonymous said…
I saw the BEST home pregnancy test commercial last week. It started off with an extreme close-up, so you couldn't tell what it was, with buzz words like "sleek!" "advanced!", you know the drill. And then ended with:

"It's the most advanced piece of technology you'll ever pee on."

I laughed my tail off, because I was expecting it to be stupid and embarrassing, like most products in that category. But I think even a man could appreciate that commercial.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Jane Doughnut...I haven't seen that one (no surprise given my Tivo addiction) but I am laughing at just your description. I'll keep an eye out for it as I zap my erect little Tivo remote.

Ciao bella...have a great week!
Dust-bunny said…

Does anyone remember, "I need roller skates to keep up with you!!!" That was a Stayfree commercial back in the 70's that used to embarrass me to tears if it came on while I was watching TV with my dad! I couldn't even imagine sitting through a K-Y commercial, yikes!!!

I think the ad agencies have gone a little overboard, but hasn't every sector of the media. I'm a person who happens to love funny commercials...in fact, one of my favorites is the Honda Element commercial with the "I peench!" crab! When I first saw that late at night in bed, I woke my husband up with laughter, and I couldn't stop...there were tears literally coming out of my eyes. And go figure, it's totally clean... ;)

BTW, I like how the Virginia Slims girl is actually just "slim", and not anorexic like the models of today! Thought that deserved an honorable mention!

Take good care,
Spicy said…
I must get a Tivo,,,hard to explain certain commercials to grand-kids. I haven't seen the KY commercials, but I am sick of the Viagra commercials.
Maybe if I get more Viagra for a certain Santa, I just might get a TIVO fox xmas.
Shankari said…
I don't have a Tivo and I don't watch TV.

But the disclaimer, he was too funny! :D
Chris said…
I must say I am in awe. First, of your impressive collection of TiVo machines. I'm a TiVo lover myself, and I only have the one.

However, I am also in awe of your continued ability to walk that odd line between eccentric libertine and obstinate curmudgeon. The fact that you can go from golf-themed sexual innuendo to "these damn kids and their lube commercials" in the span of a week is nothing short of extraordinary.

You are an inspiration to us all, LLS. ;)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Lisa...yes I do remember those roller skating commercials. I also remember thinking how talented I might be if only I had the stayfree advantage!

I also applaud your recognition of the "slim" role model of the not so distant past. Very clever chica!

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Shankari...I must admit that I added the disclaimer after a read through of this week's musings to a good friend. The friend I refer to as Mrs. Cox! We laughed so hard we almost pee'd our pants. And of course, there is a commercial for that as well. We really thought we were funny...or sick, or both! Perhaps that is the true definition of sideways. ;)

Ciao bella...enjoy the week!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Chris...Hmmm? Eccentric libertine and obstinate curmudgeon? Seems I've been outed again! ;)

Also...my husband and I have different TV viewing preferences. Therefore, one Tivo is just not enough. In this case, more is more. Do we watch everything we record? No. Do we watch TV together? Most of the time. Do we like to keep our options open? But of course we do. And then there is the variety issue. Another example of more being more. But of course, you already know this.

As for your kind words, you humble me dear LLB. Thanks and back at you.

Ciao dude...I'd love to see your Tivo wish list. We could compare notes and see which of us is the most eccentric libertine and obstinate curmudgeon. Could be a very close contest. ;)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Matty...almost missed you chica! Wait til you see the KY commercial. I bet you'll be expecting that Pizza Man too!

Good luck with your Tivo plan - according to the commercials certain products work for up to 36 hours. You might get more than one - one Tivo that is! What did you think I was talking about chica! Wow. I can't believe you would think "I" was talking about that!
Chris said…
I'll show you mine if you show me yours. ;)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear L.L.B. - are we still talking about the wish list? If so...you're on. If not, then I have no idea what you mean. ;)

Ciao for now...
Big Dave T said…
Gee, I just came back to tell a golf joke. Just like those commercials, your blog was a wee bit TMI for me. No offense intended however. I understand women are your target audience.

What I like about TIVO is that you can record movies on your DVD (I can't, but my friend does and sends them to me).

Anyway, here's my favorite golf joke though you've probably heard it already. A rabbi and a priest are out golfing when the priest muffs his drive. "Dammit I missed," he exclaims, much to the rabbi's protest.

Undeterred, the priest mis-hits another shot. "Dammit I missed" he says again, and again to protests from the rabbi. On the green now, the priest overhits his putt. "Dammit I missed" he shouts again. Suddenly the skies darken and a bolt of lightning strikes.

When the smoke clears, the Rabbi lay dead. Then a voice comes from above, "Dammit I missed."
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Big Dave...too funny. I love it. I will use this one Sunday when I play golf. ;)

As for TMI my dear, thank you - as you have just sharpened my point. If we can't comfortably discuss these issues amongst ourselves, do we really want to sit back and let them take over the airwaves? Thank goodness for Tivo!

By the way, you so remind me of my boys and my brothers about the "feminine" stuff. Sorry you were a bit uncomfortable with the subject matter. Glad you didn't fast forward through and not leave a comment. ;)

Ciao Big Dave...have a great week.
love it-love to dvr stuff, cuts down on falling asleep through my favorites! I'm the one who zips through the ads though. became addicted to ours when also working way too many hours and not wanting to miss all the csi's and law and orders!
I'm officially a grandma now-as of 3:03 yesterday!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Carine...or should I say Grandma? Congratulations! I saw the photos -- adorable, the whole family!

As for the Tivo and DVR...they'll definitely come in handy now, while babysitting.

Ciao bella...enjoy!
Kacey said…
You must be getting older, Chica, because you sound just like me! I first started complaining when the Charmin commercial had bears dancing about and squatting againts trees with the toilet tissue hanging on a handy branch. It was a take-off on the old question, "Do bears s**t in the woods?" Cute, but totally tasteless. Then, we were treated to colored condoms, KY Warming Jelly, Viagra, Cialis, Sanitary napkins, tampons, feminine sprays, Preparation H, jock itch products and on and on. The mention of priapism sounds great to some young men --- wow! a four hour "woody" complete with a peepee full of blood clots. Madison Avenue stops at nothing to make a buck. I want a TiVo, too!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Kacey...maybe not so old, just predisposed. I made the same observations quite verbally to my family regarding the same TP commercial. I must say their commercial was a success because you remember the name of the TP. ;)

Tivo in moderation (like anything) is a good thing. Careful not to get addicted when you do get it chica. It's easy to just watch what we want. There's a downside. Sometime I don't know what's happening in the world. Oh wait, that's what I have the internet for isn't it.

Oh wow. Chris is right, I guess I am an eccentric libertine and obstinate curmudgeon. What's next? Four inch fingernails, surgical masks and living in a sterile room? ;)

Ciao bella...enjoy the week.

P.S. I actually forced myself to watch American Idol for the very first time this week. Sure to have an essay about this soon.
Ballpoint Wren said…
We stopped watching TV in 1994, and it's a real shock whenever we see it now. The commercials are so randy! And pharmaceutical!

Radio is just as bad, though. Still, I don't recall hearing any KY warming ads on the radio. Yuck!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Bonnie(Ballpoint Wren)...No TV at all? Wow. I admire you chica. I bet your boys read a lot...and swim. ;)

Yes...they talk about getting the drugs off the street. I think they need to get them off TV/Radio first!

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Dave said…
Your commercial post ... Wow... and I thought I was the only one... "Yes'" I have to catch EVERY bit of dialog and go back if I miss even a word. Regarding the Super Bowl commercials... Love 'em like everyone else. The Virginia Slims ads... You might want to check my January 9th post on that one... Anyways...Nice blog! :-)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Dave...welcome! Well then, I guess that means that I'm not the only one either. ;)

Thanks for the kind words. I'll stop by your place when I can...I post a new article every Friday.

Ciao for now...and have a great week.
Debbie said…
I LOVE tivo! Tivo is my friend!.....There must be a 12 step program out there for me!-----I got one for xmas and it has made me a happier person. Just knowing that I can get a season pass for my shows, LOVE IT!!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Debbie...just the mention of "season pass" gets me excited! Oh well...it takes all kinds.

I have had a season pass for 8 years...can you imagine? There is always something in the library when I'm in the mood.

Ciao chica...have a great Tivo week.
B.S. said…
Dear Teri,

Well, you've talked me into it. I'm going to watch the Super Bowl this year. Or have I missed it? I just love a good ad, but too prefer the family friendly ones. Have you seen the Jackson-Hewitt tax preparers ads? There's one featuring Zoro which I love, and a new one which involves fire. I'm not going to get rid of my CPA over it, but I might buy a few shares of their stock...

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Betty...You didn't miss it, it's this Sunday. No, I haven't seen all those commercials, so maybe there are a few good ones in between the bad ones, or uncomfortable ones. I've also heard the Diary ones with the aliens are pretty cute.

Hope all is well in you world chica...ciao for now and have a great week! ;)
Kacey said…
Hey Teri--- check out


I saw "Here's to Happy Women" there under Catagory #3--best writing

Congrats to you! Voting starts next week.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Kacey...I had no idea. Wow. I'll head over and check it out. And...I guess if anyone else wants to head over and check it out...follow me!
Sideways Chica said…
Okay...it's official. One of my wonderful readers nominated me in the best writing category in the "Share the Love" Blog Awards. Whoever this kind and wonderful soul is...THANK YOU!!!

Also, Bonnie (Ballpoint Wren) of the extraordinary Super Sabados and Monday Morning Mojos is nominated for best site design.

Voting starts this Thursday 2/1 - 2/6. You can find the link at the top of my sidebar if you want to check it out. I am but a small little blog, but just the nomination makes me feel so wonderful. Oh, who am I kidding? I want to win. So please, vote for me and I'll never raise your taxes. I promise. Honest...read my lips. Also...be sure to vote for Bonnie too. :)

Ciao for now my lovelies...
Spicy said…
I voted you # 3 and # 7.
good luck.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Matty...you are wonderful chica! Thank you. This is fun!!

Also...I heard you have a great post about a certain trial that I need to read up on. I'll pop over soon.

Ciao bella...
Anonymous said…
I LOVE IT!!! I'm a DVR addict, too. I get impatient with my Husband when he doesn't fast forward fast enough. In fact, I know just how many times to press the skip ahead button for each type of show we watch... I do like to watch Superbowl commercials, but true to the technology age, I watch the next day, online (was it just me, or were they a bit lackluster this year... although I DID get a kick out of "connectile dysfunction").

I guess the advertising industry took to heart the tagline of the last tampon commercial I saw: "Upgrade"

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Crafty...my goodness, you must be my LLS, as Chris is my LLB!

I can't believe how boring the commercials were during this year's Super Bowl. The "Willy Wonka" style assembly line commercials for several products hit my theme radar, and I just kept asking "Why?"

I am a Tivo/DVR remote whiz...the "Dick-tator" if you will. ;)

Ciao bella...I love hearing your voice again!

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