Different strokes

There’s a good reason the saying, “Different strokes for different folks” has been around for a long time. It’s true—especially when it comes to affairs of the heart. The dynamics between men and women have been analyzed since the beginning of time—and yet they continue to mystify.

What works for one couple apparently doesn’t work for all couples. Sure, there are similarities, but some couples relate and communicate in what I can only describe as a foreign language—complete with foreign customs. Foreign to me, that is. That’s fine, because what works for someone else doesn’t have to work for me. It’s not my business, not my life. So it goes that I have my own pat answer at the ready whenever someone says, “I would never put up with that, would you?” I respond consistently with “It works for them.”

Now, whether or not it actually works for them, I’ve no clue. Every couple has different boundaries, different rules, and different sensitivities. There are the “don’t sweat the small stuff” couples; the “only sweat the small stuff” couples; the couples who seem to live separate lives and come together in the family abode for coffee in the morning, dinner in the evening and the occasional social requirement; and finally, there are the couples who are joined at the hip. I may not subscribe to three of these categories, but that doesn’t mean I am in the position to judge, nor should I be.

What goes on behind closed doors—unless abusive—is not something that hits my radar. Nor should it. But it seems that as a society, we’ve become more vocal about judging the relationships of others. Perhaps this has something to do with the “judgmental” reality shows that continue to top the Nielsen ratings week after week. Keeping up with the Joneses has taken on a completely new meaning. Keeping up means analyzing someone else’s relationship, gossiping about it, and then ultimately deciding that our relationship is better—much better—even when it’s not.

It’s an entirely new game show since the days when Gladys Kravits was peering through Darrin and Samantha Stevens windows…and the price is never right. This new program has new viewers and sponsors. Let’s call it the “Desperate American Real World Amazing Relationship Race.” It’s interactive, complete with audience participation. Cameraman not necessary. Speculation is enough. A little bloodletting? All the better. Think Rome. Think Coliseum. Think Gladiator.

Perhaps I exaggerate to make my point, but I believe we’ve gotten out of hand in casting judgment on our friend’s relationship chambers. Many of us live in communities governed by homeowner’s associations—or co-op boards. We already live under the microscope. Many people watch Big Brother and now Big Brother—and Big Sister—are watching us. Our lives are the true reality programming…but they’re not reality fodder for others to chew the fat on and regurgitate for entertainment’s sake. We don’t need sponsors, we don’t need ratings, we don’t need focus groups—and we don’t need interactive audiences. We just need friends who accept us…and love us regardless.

Bottom line: “Different strokes” for different folks is not a TV program…it’s a “fact of life.” It all comes down to minding our own business. So “let’s make a deal.” Let’s not make entertainment of other people’s “picket fences.” Let’s not analyze our friends’ relationships as if we are “CSI” technicians. Finally, let’s not impose our own “law and order” unto others. “Deal or no deal?”

© 2007 Teresa G. Franta


Kacey said…
You sound more like "my honey" than like me. I tend to try to figure out how people put up with some of the things their mates do or don't do. However, "my honey" is constantly reminding me that "it works for them". The best I can do is be thankful for what I have in my life and that I do not have the untenable situations I see around me. I love your game show analogies and am happily living the "Deal" with my "Smarter Than a Fifth Grader". We have lived an "Amazing Race".
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Kacey...right on chica! Appreciate what we have is the "Deal of the Century." ;)

Also...I'm not saying I don't partake in the speculation once in awhile - but I think I am speculated about more often. As I tell my husband..."let's give 'em something to talk about."

Ciao bella...enjoy the Amazing Race. I wouldn't want to compete with you guys - the "Bionic" couple indeed.
I've always felt that if people aren't abusive, it was simply not my business. Like you said dear Teri, Different Strokes! My daughter asks why I make her father's lunch every day-I say I like to. she said she'll never do it for her husband. that's her choice. Just like to make my husband's (complete w/ homemade cookies)is mine.
It works for us.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Carine...good for you chica, and good for your daughter. Different strokes indeed.

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Reach said…
I agree. I think this age is bringing the Reality TV into Reality. As people tend to follow their hobbies, or favorite TV shows, they are learning adaptation into their day-to-day lives. Then enter the shows like "Dr. Phil", who makes his money from prying into the viewer's life.

Its all too complicated for me; therefore, I'll just remain with my 'Survivor'- 'Deal or No Deal'.

Dust-bunny said…

As one who sometimes feels more judged than necessary by my husband's family, this witty article couldn't have come at a better time!

When all of my in-laws didn't offer to host Mother's Day, I reluctantly said that I would do it. Days went by, and I got more and more stressed. You see, certain members of his family had an awful lot to say about my humble abode a couple of years ago, and the scars have not healed yet. I finally decided that I was not getting any "joy" out of the thought of having people over who were just going to bring that nasty karma into my home (and complain about using paper plates at a BBQ), so I told my husband "Forget it." He agreed. I decided that I really don't care what any of them do that day...it's MY day to do what I want!

They're just jealous because I'm married to "The Incredible Hunk" and we always enjoy the "Days of Our Lives" with our "Full House."
Dust-bunny said…
Oh my goodness!! I meant to write, "Incredible HULK." I guess it was a Freudian slip! ;)
Me said…
Teri, Happy Mother's Day!! Enjoy your day!
fjl said…
Wasn't there some tragedy associated to this little guy? He could never get another role because people began to think the programme was racist or something?

I remember I thought he was funny. x
Sideways Chica said…
Hey chicas and chicos...just back in town. I will respond to your comments after I catch my breath.

Enjoy and thanks for stopping by...
B.S. said…
Dear Teri,

I definitely agree. "Live and Let Live" is a motto I try to use (too bad it's not the name of a TV show). You know, it has seemed to me that jealousy is often at the root of judgements, one way or another... But yeah, it takes all types- I think I'm coming up with some good names for TV shows....and anyway, I'd like to give credit to those couples who do manage to figure out how to stay together in spite of all oddities. My hat's off to them, no matter how they're doing it.

Sideways Chica said…
Okay...so I was optimistic. ;) We are in the process of readying our home for termite tenting. This is a HUGE hassle, especially as I have to be very cautious due to my various allergies and sensitivities. Sooooo...I will not be posting a new article this week, and as I will be out of my home next week, and then putting everything back (and washing every dish we own) over the memorial weekend, I am not sure when I will have a new post. I have several almost ready to share with you all...and am frustrated that I just can't quite get there. Hang in there with me and I will get back on schedule. I am NOT flaking out or giving up...just a two-week sabbatical.

Thank you all for your patience.

Ciao for now. Be well.
been there done that chica! check your floors-our exterminators (eaven though we told them)took out jugs of water out of the fridge that we put in to keep the electric bill from skyrocketing and put them on our WOOD FLOORS!! they had to pay to have the kitchen fixed.
Sideways Chica said…
I'm alive...but hopefully not the termites! Putting the house back together now (whew!), but I WILL have a new article for next week. Can't wait to get back in the flow. Hope all is well in your worlds...

Ciao for now...;)

P.S. Carine...we had some damage too. Hopefully they will take care of it with no problem. Thanks for the heads up.
Kacey said…
I'm glad I finally read your comments. I was getting worried about you and Steve and his operation. Watch those allergies --- if they use Lindane, I would have a horrendous reaction. We miss you, Chica, but understand and will wait patiently!
Sideways Chica said…
Great news. The diet and excercise program for Steve was so successful that the operation has been delayed indefinitely...maybe for years! ;)

(Whew again!)

Ciao my sideways friend...thanks for checking on me chica.
Reach said…
I miss your articles- my thoughts are with you as I check back regularly.

I hope all is well and remaining Sideways, for you.

Your Friend,

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Reach...I miss them too! ;)

I hope to be back on schedule soon. Rest assured that all is most definitely sideways in my neck o' the woods.

Ciao my friend...stay tuned and perhaps a new post will show up soon.
so glad to hear the good news about your Steve! HOpe we see a new article from you soon, I do miss your sideways look on everything!
Things on my end have been rather sideways as well. But that's a different story and a different website!
I'm being as patient as I can!
Doug Bagley said…
I remember teaching History to sophmores and during that time the Jerry Springer Show was at its peak of popularity. We were studying ancient Rome and I commented then and believe to be even more true today, the types of shows are akin to electronic gladiators.Their popularity is a sad commentary on society
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Carine and Doug...great to hear from you guys. And the rest of you...I will be back on track the first of July. I finally decided that I needed to get things all sqaure on the home front and I'm almost there. Never been so organized in my life. It's all good and I am eager to start up again in a few weeks. Thank you for your patience...I will be back soon, I promise! Problem is...so much has happened that I am overwhelmed with all the material I want to cover. Should keep me going for awhile. Until then...ciao bellas!

Sideways Chica said…
Dust-bunny said…

Just stopped by to say "hi!" Hope all is well in your neck of the woods, and I'm looking forward to reading more from you soon!

Hope all is well.
Priyamvada_K said…
Dear Teri,
Hope all's well. Just checking, since I didn't see you online in a while.

Debbie said…
Still waiting for July!! Hope you are "cleaning House" well!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Priya...sorry it took so long to answer, but I was gone with no computer or wifi in sight. I am easing back in and will get back on track soon. Thank you for checking on me. ;) All's well chica. Hope for you too.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Debbie...house is cleaner than it has been in years!! ;) Glad you're still checking on me. I miss all of you and look forward to reconnecting soon.

Ciao bella...
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Lisa...just saw this comment from weeks ago...so sorry chica. Not like me to let a comment go unanswered, as I appreciate and enjoy all of them. I especially enjoy hearing your voice. I won't have time to blog around anymore, but that's a good thing, even though I would like to check in on each of you on a regular basis. Just know that I think of each of you regularly and wish you all the best. Hopefully we can stay connected here, when possible.

Ciao bella...hope your comforter is doing well. ;)

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