Please don’t crush the nuts!

I think that whoever invented the bra should be punished…or at least forced to wear a bra for 18 hours. Since I’m sure that the actual person who invented the bra has already left this world, my point may be moot, but I trust you get my drift. As for the true inventor of the bra, there has long been a debate, fueled by rumor, myth and the wonderful songstress, Bette Midler. Was it Mr. Titslinger or Mr. Brassiere who came up with the idea that we needed to manhandle our bosoms into these contraptions? I’m guessing it was Mr. Brassiere, thus the wonderfully descriptive name of the “bra.” If it was the industrious Mr. Brassiere who invented the brassiere, I give him one nod of appreciation—going “bra”-less sounds much better than going “tit”-less.

Regardless of the name, I’m betting the inventor of the bra was a man. I am as sure of this as I am that the inventor of the seatbelt was also a man—and possibly related to Mr. Titslinger or Mr. Brassiere. I refer to the shoulder harness of the seatbelt. I realize (and appreciate) that many lives have been saved with the shoulder harness…and those who choose a ticket rather than to click it have contributed countless dollars into municipal coffers. Still I ask…isn’t there a better way? Another alternative? We can send people to the moon and beyond, we can iPod and TiVo all day long…and we can dial in and dial out from just about anywhere these days. Why not a better, more sophisticated and more comfortable shoulder harness?

What if the original seatbelt harness ran between the legs and fastened? How long would that have lasted, regardless of lives saved? One crushed nut and there would have been a recall of massive proportions. So why are we women stuck with a strap between our breasts? Just the other day, my husband was driving and I was in the passenger seat. I leaned forward slightly just as he tapped the brake to allow for slowing traffic in front of us. OUCH! His nuts were fine…my left breast, not so much.

Perhaps the shoulder harness has stayed between our breasts for so long because no one has complained. I thought when airbags were introduced that surely someone would attempt a redesign of the shoulder harness. Alas, I was excessively optimistic and sadly unrealistic.

I’m not saying that bras don’t have their place…they do. Thank you Victoria’s Secret. It’s like Christmas Day for my husband when one of your wonderfully descriptive catalogs arrives in the mail. And seatbelts are necessary. They serve a valid purpose. So do my breasts, which is a subject for another day…or not.

And so I leave you with...

There once was guy named Steve

His penchant for riding the brake was his wife’s pet peeve

It wasn’t that she felt carsick,

Or got her head and neck whipped

She was just plain tired of having her breast squeezed!


Sideways Chica said…
Dear sorry for such a long absence. But deadlines, deadlines and more deadlines have taken precedence. Thank you for checking in...with your messages and also popping in as I see from my site meter.

I hope all is well in your worlds...enjoy!

Ciao for now. ;)
B.S. said…
Dear Teri,

We've missed you! It's good, though, that you've had lots of deadlines to meet. I haven't had as much blogging time either, with the extra burden of court looming, so I understand that sometimes blogging falls by the wayside.

You know, I've wondered, too, about the shoulder harness issue. As your photo shows, they also accentuate the profile of the breasts, and speaking for myself, I don't always feel like being an exhibitionist for passing truck drivers!

No question, we live in a male-dominated world, and this issue is a prime example of that fact!

Many hugs,
Welcome back Teri, I for one, missed your columns! Be grateful for the deadlines-that means you're wanted and employed! I keep telling myself that at the day job when the designers behave like "trainwrecks" in the making! I'm still trying to get someone to pay me more than $25 an article-so being ultra busy w/ deadlines sounds awfully good to me!
Glad you're back!
Kacey said…
Oh My--- I am so happy that you are back, even if only occasionally. I hate seat belts and wouldn't wear them if it were not the law. I was listening to Rush Limbaugh the other day, when a woman from San Francisco called and was very logical in her thinking. She said, "The government got into our cars when they demanded seat belts, then came air bags that can sometime be fatal without real proof of their necessity, then came car seats in the back seats and people forget that babies are back there ---so they leave them in the car while they are at work. Now, the government wants to get into our cars to prohibit smoking. How long will it be before they want to come into our private homes to clear out our cigars, trans fats high sugar treats and on and on?"
She was right on and here you are with your "tit in the wringer". Articulate people like you need to keep speaking out against things that are an invasion of our privacy.
And Teri --- thank you for caring. I think I'll have one of my daughters put in an update after the surgery or I will do it myself, if all is well. I have really missed you and worried that something was wrong. I am grateful that something was right.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Betty...thanks chica and back at ya! Good luck in court---believe!

As for the harness...yes, when I wrote this I held back on the parting of the chest issue and how ridiculous it is...but I agree with you completely. I am constantly pulling it over...the belt, not the breast. ;)

Ciao good to hear your voice. Have a great week and stay balanced.
Sideways Chica said…
Thanks Carine...I've missed you too. ;)

Hang in there chica! But...what do you think about those darned harnesses that pinch and squeeze us and wrinkle our clothes...and of course, save lives?

Ciao bella...have a great week and keep on writing.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Kacey...of course, as I am a Sideways Chica, I agree with the invasion of rights issue, but I left that for someone else to bring up. Now that it's in the open...I am not surprised that it was the Original Sideways Chica who spoke up!

Please do have your post updated after the surgery. As I said, I am in your corner and sending all my best wishes and positive thoughts to you and yours.

Take care chica...XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX!!!
Leann said…
I believe it was a man who invented those aweful uncomfortable pointy toed shoes also.....I'm sure it was a man who invented the corsette....and on and on.....

It's nice to see you back Teri. Keep up the good work!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear LeAnn...back at ya chica! If it were indeed a man who invented those pointy shoes, then let me be a bit wolfish (as in the story Little Red Riding Hood) and say..."The better to kick him in the hiney with." ;)

Ciao bella...hope you change the pointy shoes for the boots and start walkin' ;)

Have a great week.
oh, forgot-since being on all the "pain drugs" and menopause, I'm a ditz! The seat belts, well, I've been in an accident where having the darn thing on saved my life. Same w/ my parents. So, despite the discomfort-boy am I all for them!!!
Me said…
Welcome back Teri!!!
good to read from you again...i missed you and your wonderful writing!
that was great tell you the truth, i cannot live without my bra or my seatbelt...both are a life saver!
Spicy said…
Welcome back Teri! My fingers are sore from knocking every day on your door and not getting an answer. Good to see you were busy as a bee!
Talking about bra's...last week I shopped in a hurry, and grabbed my size off rack...and when I got home I found,,,lucky me,,this was the most comfortable bra I've ever worn.
Standing in front of the mirror I noticed these 2 little clips on top of the cups???
Upon investigation I found out this was a maternity bra...I'm still wearing it....very comfortable!
Have a great week!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Carine...yes, as I said, I appreciate the life-saving attributes of the safety belt--I only wish the divisive harness could be re-engineered to be not so divisive and uncomfortable in a "pinch." ;)

Take care chica...and have a great day.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Summer...thank you chica! Missed you too. Yes, I think both are a lifesaver too. I only wish they didn't leave such an uncomfortable taste in my mouth--or at least came in another flavor. Wait...I bet the bras do come in flavors. Better hide that Victoria's Secret catalog from the husband! ;)

Ciao bella...hope all is well. I won't be blogging around except here when time allows...but please know that you are always in my thoughts. Have a great week chica.
Sideways Chica said…
Okay always take the cake. I have the no whining bracelets you suggested a few months back, and now I'm off to find that maternity bra with the clips! ;)

Great to hear your voice always make me smile and laugh and think.

Ciao bella...have the most wonderful week in that new comfy bra of yours. Perhaps the seatbelt harness situation could be rectified with a "maternity" designed harness!!! Do I smell a patent??? ;)
Sideways Chica said…
P.S. for Grand-Matty...

There once was a gal named Matty...
Her bras were getting a bit tatty.

She bought the first bra she saw...
meant for an expecting "ma."

Even though the Grand-Matty's tummy is quite flatty... :)
Spicy said…
HaHa Teri, you're a poet and don't you know it!
I will cherish that poem always.

There was once a chica named Teri.
Who's boobies were round like a berry.
she said, they're not made of gold....and a bra cannot hold my beauties look good without any!
Sideways Chica said…
Ahhh Matty...not sure about the berry bit...but when I think as a kid my friends always rhymed Teri with fairy and hairy, I think I shall not protest too much about the berry! ;)

Great job chica...
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Readers...One of Kacey's children (Lesley) posted that the surgery went well. YEAH!!

Keep sending those positive thoughts her way and we'll have the Original Sideways Chica back soon!

Anonymous said…
Sometimes, I randomly thought about wearing a bra bears no benefit to my breasts, but after watching gravity at work, it hurriedly makes me wear my bra again. Bras, though they are somewhat restrictive, they gives the comfort and makes my breasts look good, especially with the PrimaDonna lingerie I am wearing.

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