No fondue for you!

Why is it that perfectly happy couples easily fall prey to the most lethal "Hallmark" holiday of allSaint Valentine's Day? It's like quicksand. Once you fall into the pit, you can't get out. Fights, arguments and hurt feelings, which can all lead to the playing of the hazardous "no sex" card, are more commonplace than you may think on the supposedly most romantic day of the year. Once this card is played, it's easier to use it again — and again. Once sex is held hostage, it's all downhill from there. Just ask your mother. Trust me on this...she'll know.

Now you may think that single people have dibs on the heartache and hurt that Valentine's Day can cause. They don't, but they do have a good case. After all, if you're not one half of a couple then it's right there on your calendar reminding you of just how "not a couple" you are. New Year's Eve is another event that alienates singles and promotes forced romanticism. Retailers spend billions advancing this idea. From Godiva Chocolates to Victoria's Secret, the manipulation is extreme and the pressure is off the chart. You've seen the pictures. Lady Godiva rode around naked on a horse. How many chocolates do you really think she ate? What about the supermodels, like Gisele? Do you think they get heart-shaped boxes of chocolates from their significant others? If the outfit my husband ordered for my Valentine's gift last year is any indication, I think not. Notice the emphasis on the word my, as in my gift. I didn't get chocolates from my husband because he thought that I thought that they were too fattening. I received a sexy little "outfit" instead. Was this my gift or his? Unfortunately the outfit is still "new" in the box. I wonder why? Trained seal comes to mind. Perhaps if I promise to wear it for him, he'll give me a chocolate Cadbury egg for Easter. Better idea. How about I buy my own chocolate and surprise him with the outfit when he's not expecting it. Then we can enjoy a spontaneous and romantic evening that we will remember for its true value. Less you think I'm too sensitive, the outfit, if you can call it that, is two sizes too small, and I'm a size four. No wonder I didn't get any chocolates! This from a truly great guy...on the other 364 days of the year. Poor sap. He didn't have a chance. I'm telling you, it's a set-up.

So singles take heart, literally. You can have it. Valentine's Day is not all that it's cracked up to be. It's brutal on the budget and requires forced romanticism. This, to most guys, means that "for sure" they'll get lucky. This pressure alone causes many arguments and a lot of disappointment. Then there's that other male viewpoint, which is "I'm damned if I do, and I'm damned if I don't." And sometimes they are.

One friend ended up in an argument over the flowers she received from her husband of nine years. He didn't think she thanked him properly. I think she said they were "just fine." Naturally, there's more to the story. Every year, this friend receives the same style of arrangement from her husband, but never on Valentine's Day — always two or three days early. For the first five-years my friend didn't mind, and then she decided that her husband was too cheap to pay the premium that every florist in town levees on their biggest day of the year. Eventually, her husband began delivering the flowers to her office himself — in a vase from home. This could have been romantic, if he hadn't proudly told his wife, "Why pay for a new vase each year, plus delivery?" A perfectly valid point. I wonder where she got the "cheap" idea? Well, he pushed, she shoved and their true feelings finally came out. After they went 10 rounds, he explained that she should feel special to get her flowers early, before anyone else, because they stand out — they're unique. "After all," he said, "Everybody gets flowers on Valentine's Day." "Apparently not," his wife replied. Now really, even if her husband was being a little thrifty, is it worth all the fuss? Who do you think profited when he marched down to the store and bought an "I'm Sorry" card? Talk about a conspiracy.

So singles, you don't have dibs on the downer of Valentine's Day. If you're not one half of a couple, then you can't get into an argument over something as silly as flowers being delivered early or no candy because he "thought you were on a diet." The list goes on and on. In fact, my best friend played a card last year that may prove even more dangerous than the "no sex" card — and all because of February 14th.

I can honestly say that this friend is in one of strongest, most committed relationships I've ever seen. Yet Cupid still shot her in the ass. Sometimes it's just bad timing. She and her husband were having a minor disagreement. Nothing to do with Valentine's Day. No forgotten reservations, early flowers or lack of chocolate. Just a regular disagreement that would have worked itself out in a non-memorial way had it occurred in any other month than February. Enter Valentine's Day. Yes, the disagreement lingered on and now February 14th forever bears the scar. You see, my friend played the ultimate card. She played the "no fondue for you" card. Now I know that she and her husband have always cherished their private fondue "celebration" on Valentine's Day. No, I'm not sure what all it entails and I'm certainly not going to ask. Just know that this was a special treat that they both truly enjoyed. Now, just because the disagreement carried over onto the 14th, fondue was cancelled and they had rotisserie chicken. Now I've heard that the chicken was very good, but I can't help but lament for the fondue that could have been...and might never be again.

So remember, Valentine's Day is big business on Madison Avenue. A lot of people make a ton of money just to make us crazy on this Hallmark holiday. Watch out for that quicksand. Before you overreact, underreact, or don't react at all, just ask yourself, "Do I really want to ruin a perfectly good fondue?"

Dedicated to Butch: Roses are red, violets are blue...keep your mouth shut and you just might get fondue!

© 2005 Teresa G. Franta


Angel said…
The Hubster and I made a pact about this vile holiday way back when we was a courtin.

We sit it gleefully out as it's as bad as New Years eve. Ekk, yuck, fooey!

Funny that I gave a VD tip for guys in my Daily Irish News article this week;

"Now for you men out there I’m going to give you all a little tip, consider it my Valentine’s gift to you, there is nothing sexier to a woman than when her man prepares her a meal. Even something as simple as that soup served with a good baguette sliced up with sweet butter. Toss a little green salad on the side, a bottle of red, a single rose in a vase and light a couple candles and trust me, you will be greatly rewarded. Especially if you also do the washing up! Bonus---it’ll also cost far less than the over priced, predictably over done dozen roses."

For those who have to play the game, they might as well have a really good play in the book.

Of course this done on one of the other 364 days of the year would reap the same rewards. ;)

I will be thinking about the special fondue ritual all day ~~ might be better not quite knowing....

Thanks Teri!
Priyamvada_K said…
Well-written and thought-provoking as usual. I never thought about Valentine's Day pressures, as this is not a big holiday in my culture. I just do what's in the original spirit of St.Valentine's Day - be kind and loving to friends and family, and anyone who crosses my path. That's it - and wearing something red.

This romantic stuff is overblown. Come to think of it, every holiday that's supposed to be about people being nice to each other is commercialized - Christmas, and this. Huh. Can one "buy" love?

I agree with Angel on the most romantic gesture from a man: cooking for his woman, setting the table - maybe throw in a massage at the end of the meal, for added effect. No hype, just be genuinely loving.

Loved the Roses are red adaptation! :)

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Angel...what great advice. It seems as if you have started a theme. Perhaps some of the guys can weigh in with what they like for Valentine's Day. Wait, scratch that, I think we already know don't we? Uh-oh. The guys will surely make me pay for that comment.

BTW Angel, VD for the abbreviation? Really? Just tell me one thing. Intended? Or Accidental abbreviated pun?

Ciao chica...and you can ask Su-Z-Q for yourself!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Priya...

" kind and loving to friends and family, and anyone who crosses my path."

My bet is that you do this everday! Thanks for the thoughtful input. Very well said.

Ciao and have a great week.
Chris said…
You know, I had to read this one three times because I kept getting distracted every time I got to the part about the outfit your husband bought you. Overactive imagination, and all that. ;)

Anyway, another fantastic post. You have become one of my harbingers of the weekend, and this is a very good thing. A new post from you means those two blessed days are almost here, and my heart feels a little bit lighter.

Speaking of hearts, which leads to flowers, then chocolates and... the... outfit... damn it! Now I'm all distracted again. What was I talking about? Right. Valentine's Day.

My wife and I don't really make such a big deal out of it, as we're wise to Madison Avenue's dirty little tricks. The last couple of years, we've actually focused more on our daughter, who, being very girly, loves the notion of pink hearts and flowers and such. So I usually get her some pink flowers, and my wife gets her something cute with a heart on it, but we generally don't do much for each other.

That being said, this year I think I'm going to surprise my wife with something really nice. She won't be expecting it, and I love catching her unawares.

Hope your VDay is lovely this year, Teri, and you finally get the chocolates. I'm also hoping you take pity on your husband (hasn't the poor man suffered enough, what with the surgery and all?) and give him "his" present this year.

As my grandmother always used to say: "Nothing puts a man to rights like a gorgeous lady in a skimpy outfit."
Angel said…
Damn--I've been punned out~~~

My VD is the preferred infection of affection....

Now I'll be doing this all day, see.
Sideways Chica said…
Ahhhh flatter me, and make me laugh.

Yes, children make all the difference in the world on this "day of love." As they should.

And really, do you seriously think I made my husband wait a whole year? Trust me...once I got my chocolate fix, he got his. Enough said on that matter. :)

I love that you will surprise your wife this year, and I am sure it will truly be a gift for "her."

Whatever you do, enjoy!

Ciao for now.
Sideways Chica said…
Angel...the pun stops here! Take two aspirin, no...wait, maybe you should make that two Guinness, and check-in in the morning. After all, you are three hours ahead of me, which makes it almost noon. And it is Friday.

Ciao chica...

P.S. Seriously, take care of that infection/affection infliction. (try saying that after the Guinness)
Kacey said…
My Dad alway bought a big heart box of chocolates for my Mom and smaller ones for this three girls. He drove around from house to house delivering them himself. I think of Valentine's Day as special memory of my Dad, so my dear husband gets off scott free. Hallmark Days always put a burr under my saddle, especially Sweetest Day, since it comes right about my wedding anniversary. I get really ticked that they are trying to make a special lover's day for everyone, when it cheapens OUR special day of the year. Why is it that men are the ones expected to fuss and fawn over their mates? Do they have to keep courting even after they have the chick in their nest?
Chris said…
I think I will take a cue from Angel and Priya, and prepare a meal I know my wife really likes. She'll be at school that night until late, so I know she will love to come home to find her dinner waiting. I'll throw in some candles and flowers to pretty it up a bit while I'm at it.

And I'm happy to have made you laugh today. :)
Anonymous said…
Oh dear. Sometimes, I think we women might be a little too hard on our men. :) I got irritated at Mr. Man when he did buy me chocolates, knowing that I was trying to lose weight (and have no willpower). It was our third Valentine's Day together, but he'd set the precedent of bad ones by breaking up with me on each of the previous two. But hey, I didn't break up with him for getting me chocolate. I just ate it and enjoyed the rush of love-inducing chemicals that made it all better. :) And he was really onto something anyway, because it would take me another three years before I'd get my head around dieting.

I'm getting an impression that you and your husband are one of those sweet couples that either every sees together and says, "Awwww, how darling!" or they instantly gag on their dinners because you're so sweet. :) For myself, I like to see well-married couples enjoying each other's company.

Yes, another wonderful post, Teri. I bet your husband thought his "gift to you" fit just perfectly. After all, the only thing they have to do to see if it looks right is just drop it on the floor. ;)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Izzy...I think the massage and poem idea is wonderful. Something from the heart, something from you. You and I are soul sisters. Having been a part of the advertising hype for so long, I am definitely not an "easy" consumer.

I think I will go with the massage idea also. The husband will love it. Thanks for the idea.

Ciao for now...
Sideways Chica said…
Ahhh the story about your dad. Regarding the chick in the nest, I think a little courting from both sides now and then is a good thing. Just not on V-day!

Take care and have a wonderful week!

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Chris...I do think that Angel has the right idea for the guys, and Izzy for the girls. You are a softy...I love it!

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Raynwomaan...I am laughing. Thank you. And please, no. Our friends and family just sit back and wait for The Husband and I to entertain with our battle of the wills. In fact, they like to stir the pot, including the sons. Having said that, we are one of those "opposite attract" couples that seem to balance each other out. We may battle from time to time, but never go to war. And if we do battle, it is forgotten quickly after, and we move on. After 16-years, we still make each other laugh. And I always say, Live, laugh, love. In that order. Everything else just throw out with the garbage. After all, the trashman cometh, and the trash man taketh away!

Ciao, and thanks for the laugh!
Nicole said…
I'd be lying if I said I didn't like a little token of V-day love. But if I have to FORCE a guy to do something special then that's no fun. You can't force affection out of someone because it just doesn't come out right.

I just found out that I'll be in NYC on Valentine's Day. But Eric? Will be in DC. Now that just SUCKS.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Nicole...I have been in this position before. I hid several valentines in places my guy would find while I was gone. Under the pillow, in the briefcase...and I even mailed one to arrive on the big day. Best money on Hallmark I ever paid. On his part, the husband sent my valentine with my traveling companion, another guy, who was a little embarrassed to play postman on V-day with another woman. But we all had a laugh about it later, because you see my associate took me out to dinner in Cincinatti, and my husband took my associates wife out in Laguna. My Husband ran into some friends at dinner who didn't know what to say when they saw him with another woman on V-Day, and a long-legged, long-haired blond to boot! Me? My associate and I ran into the President of Yamaha, one of my clients in the airport! Boy the tongues were wagging for days. And none of us provided a word of explanation. We still talk about this every year. ANd we laugh...and laugh and laugh.

I wish you the same laughter Nicole. Enjoy! I encourage you to embrace the challenge. Mix it up chica!

Ciao for now...
Kacey said…
Oh, Teri.... I love that story. It could be the outline for an essay of misconceptions! You are a real trip!
Priyamvada_K said…
Teri, Laughing at your long-distance Valentine's Day travel story :D. Sounds like a heckuva shared joke between the hubby and you.

Chris, wishing you and your wife a nice dinner.

Will cheer for the ladies and the gentlemen giving the gift of love, any which way they choose.

Sideways Chica said…
Ahhh...Kacey and Priya. How I love the enthusiasm you both have for life. And yes, Kacey...mums the word! And we never did tell, even after all these years (10, I think)! Until Nicole mentioned being out of town on V-Day, I wouldn't have thought of it until, well, V-day, as per usual.

Ciao chicas! Happy Valentine's Day to all!
fjl said…
Love the pictures. Love the day, aswell. You should remember in the morning, then forget about it. Unless he forgets, of course, in which case he deserves all the punishments you describe! :-)
Julie said…
I am not ABOVE getting presents for Valentines day and buying and receiving cute cards, eat candy or maybe even get a flower or two...but I don't want my husband to do it just BECAUSE a day on the calendar says so. I leaving myself open to be adored everyday. If he wants to tell me how much he loves me, any sporatic Tuesday- I am more than willing to be available for that.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear FJL...I like your philosophy. Thanks for the kind words...I wanted the post to look festive. I'm glad you enjoyed.

Have a great week, and I'll pop in for a cup of tea at your site soon.

Ciao chica...
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Jules, hear hear. It's just that when they "give" on that certain day, my experience is that they expect to receive as well. This is fine if you're in the mood to give what they expect...but if not, it seems forced. I think we'll celebrate Monday, and I'll just not tell him. I hate the feeling of these expectations getting into my head and ruining something that is great any other day, without those expectations. Wow, I think I just confused myself. But I have a feeling you get my drift just fine.

Ciao, and have a great week.
Reach said…
You make me smile, laugh, and remember.
Here it is "Reach" style. I am happy to see I have been on the right track.
For my other, I would have a glass of her choice poored at her arrival from work. Bath, with bubbles made. She need not say hello, just take the glass and go to the bath. I had her favorite dinner, to my ability and cheesy-mac, cooking. Before the completion of dinner, I would take her Robe to the Dryer and warm it. When dinner was ready, I would let her know, and we would have a fantastic conversation. After dinner, I would put in the movie of her choice and give her a full body massage, with oil. After that, I would clean up everything. And give her a present. Sound Good?

Then, why am I single? LOL

Reach said…
I guess it is the other 364 days, I am a guy.

Sideways Chica said…
Ahhhh Dear Reach...sounds wonderful. But it is the "present" that you would give her after the massage that gives me pause. Not sure if it is a tangible present, nor if it is one that would truly be her present, or yours. Careful dear boy, we women can be pretty fickle. I love to give when it is not expected, but I get a little cantankerous when it is expected. Tends not to be spontaneous...and I am all for spontaneity. Which of course I just checked said meaning of, which is..."coming from natural feelings without constraint." Now, you being a guy means you might focus on the "without constraint" part of the definition. Me, being a chica (which is a different species entirely), I focus on the "natural feelings" part of the definition. Basically, if it feels like a schedule, then it is a schedule. Romance (and what you describe)would be wonderful (in my mind) on any other day than V-Day.

Whew...enough said. You must now read between the lines, and have a great weekend.

Here's to you 365 days a year!
B.S. said…
Hi Teri! I'm flattered that you missed me! It was a hectic day, but one of my goals was to read your new post before midnight, and I'm (barely) making it.

As luck would have it, I happen to have been single most years on Feb. 14. Two of the years that I actually did have boyfriends, however, featured disastrous Valentine's celebrations. My only good memories of Valentine's Day were actually based on fantasy. And it's fantasy which causes my self pity as the date rolls around one more time, as you've reminded me. I think I'll buy some chocolate and enjoy the peace.
Sideways Chica said…
Hey Betty - there is something to be said for fantasy. Believe me, I know. I haven't been alone on this "romantic" day for 16-years, except the time I mentioned in the comment above, when I had to travel for business. Trust me when I say that on several of those wonderfully (not really wonderful) forced romantic evenings, I wish I were alone. Yes, I adore the husband, but I hate the pressure and loss of spontaneity.

Having said that my dear Betty, someday you will have to spill the beans about that very early engagement of yours!

And let me be one of the first to wish you, the child and the chalupa yapper a happy Valentine's Day!


Callisto said…
I'm with you Teri! My husband and I agreed long ago to ignore the consumer-gone-crazy side of VD (ha). I hate the overt commercialism, the forced way that people purchase those over-priced, lacking in scent and character red roses and those sappy cards.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear said it chica! Plus, the V-day roses never last long. They've been in the cooler far too many days just waiting for some poor sap to overpay, and then over-anticipate the response of the recipient. Here's to the dinner idea of Ms. Angel, and the Massage idea of Ms. Izzy.

Ciao for now...and have a great week (inspite of those over-priced roses).
B.S. said…
Technically, I'm still engaged, because we never broke it off. 5-year-olds can be so irresponsible! The only problem is, I've heard that Timmy, my fiance, is now married. And not to me. Well, I can just imagine what kind of Valentine's Day HE'S going to have, now that you've let me take a peek at what it's often like within a marriage...Just kidding. Really, I wish everyone, single or not, could have a LOVEly Feb. 14. (Why is it that we devote only one day, out of 365, to love?)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Betty...You are right. Here's to 365 days of love! Timmy doesn't know what he's missing.

And yes, the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence (Hmmmmm? Where have I heard that before. Oh yeah, in one of my first posts (Nov. Archive), "How does your garden grow.") But I wouldn't trade any day with the husband - even V-day. He is solid gold. Me? I'm solid brass, and a little tarnished at that. :)
Shankari said…
hehehe, the post had me all mushy about a certain fondue but the comments, they were really funny! Firstly VD, then Chris and the little dress and yes, like Betty, I prefer fantasy too - cuz 'romantic'is too fantastic!

Happy Valentines to you all and th the proposer of Happier Women, Teri! I love you! :)
This definitely sturck a chord. I have always detested V-Day, whether single or coupled. It's so obligatory. Ugh. I've been hugely embarrased, twice, with extravagant V-day gestures from men I had no interest in. I still cringe at the thought.

I have many times been appalled by women I know(sometimes friends, sometimes acquaintances) saying things like, "if he doesn't get me what I want this year, he's going to be sorry" or something to that effect. I have known many women who hold this awful day out as some sort of competition with other women and a ridiculous benchmark for men in their life.

My SO and I do not participate at all. He is the type to pick me flowers whenever they are in a garden or outside where he is working, or buys me a bloom from the grocery store.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Shankari...back at you. I'm so glad you showed up to play.

Enjoy your fantasy this "VD." Whatever it may be. :)

Ciao chica...
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Juliemora...Sounds as if you have the real deal - 365 days a year. Glad you have it all worked out. And yes, I have known several women who have these "or else" expectations. I don't get it. One in particular held out for "the" ring. Once she got it, they never made it to the altar. Good thing too, as they wouldn't have lasted until the next V-day.

Enjoy the week...Sunday, Monday, TUESDAY, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday!

Ciao for now...
Anonymous said…
I will be having a three hour dental appointment on Valentines Day; if I think of it as loving myself--it feels and sounds better
Sideways Chica said…
Good for you Pia! Yes, I like this idea (not necessarily the dentist), but doing something for ourselves.

Have a great week and thanks for stopping by.

Ciao for now...
Sarah Beth said…
Excellent entry. It's so true! I lamented not having a man on V-Day for years ... now I have one, and it's the same crap, different smell.

It's phenominal how an otherwise happy, stable couple can be thrown by this stupid day. You tell yourself not to care, but it's there. It's always there, taunting you, making you feel like you have to measure up, putting your relationship under a microscope. It's such BS!

This year, I reclaimed Valentine's Day for myself. Allow me to refer you to "The Black J-Lo Dress" --

Great essay!
Sideways Chica said…
Thanks "Somebody" Girl...I'm glad you've got it figured out. V-day just seems to be one of those days that brings strange emotions to the surface. The expectations, the drama...when all I want is the chocolate! :)

I'll check out your post. Thanks!

Ciao for now...and enjoy.
DeAnn said…
Well said! I couldn't agree more. I think I actually enjoyed Valentine's Day MORE when I was single. There's no pressure. You can just wallow happily instead of feeling like you have to do something to prove your love, even if you don't want to.
Sideways Chica said…
Well said Deann. Wallowing does have its advantages sometimes. :)

Have a great week and enjoy Tuesday in spite of the hype.

Ciao for now chica...
Anonymous said…
Ah, yes, as usual, the next best part of your posts, Teri, are the comments. Makes the rest of the week go by a little faster, seeing what everyone has to say.

I love ;) the VD travel story. What a wonderful thing to share.

So, you and your husband bicker with love, and you probably hold hands in public, too, don't you? :)
(See, that qualifies you as one of those couples )
Sideways Chica said…
Okay Raynwomaan...we have been known to hold hands in public, but not in that sappy, can't let go kind of way. I am so glad you come back for the comments as that was my original intent when I started my site. To have a round table discussion with educated women and men - an exchange of ideas, experiences and opinions. Not just my opinion. How happy I am that you all read between my lines, and make the topic much broader, and much more interesting. And I do think I am lucky to have accomplished what I set out to do. Thank you for helping me accomplish this goal.

Ciao for now chica.
moderator said…
Like Angel and her hubster, Diva-guy and I agreed a long time ago to forego the forced festivities (i.e. V-day, NY-day, X-mas, as opposed to Christmas and Easter without the resurrection). I have been acquainted with many women over the years who sported big diamond rings, long stemmed roses delivered on the correct day and other commercial signs of "devotion" who were completely unhappy in their relationships on a daily basis. It is sad when a gift of flowers becomes an issue of personal worth based upon the price of the gift. I totally agree that the true measure of a relationship is found in the spontaneous romance, especially in the little ways in which we treat each other on a daily basis.
I wouldn’t say you are too sensitive, but I do think there is another way to look at the size issue of "the outfit" - maybe he really "sees" you as being too sizes smaller than you are!

Ciao - Leigh
Sideways Chica said…
Ahhhh hit a point not yet touched upon. I guess I don't like all the hoopla because it is really showing (or bragging) to others about how much someone else cares for you. And it rings false. I prefer my husband to show me how much he cares, and I don't need to advertise this to others. But hey, that's just me. I don't want to put FTD out of business. As I said, I'll take chocolate any day of the year, and I do love getting flowers.

Regarding the size of the outfit. Perhaps I am a bit too sensitive. I'm sure that had he given it to me on any other day...or had it come with a box of chocolates, I would have laughed and we would have had a private fashion show. Rest assured that I know how lucky I am...that he does think of me, and this I cherish.

Thanks for coming out to play...

Ciao for now...
Anonymous said…
(Teri, it's okay to be one of those couples... my husband and I are. We hold hands in public, give spontaneous smooches, and he even opens my car door for me :)

Teri and the Blogs of the Roundtable.
Sideways Chica said…
Well then, okay! Here's to those couples...and spontaneous smooches!
Leann said…
I couldn't agree with you more! Being single I'm actually thankful I don't have to play into the whole romantic get something for your doll concept. I was feeling sorry for the poor smucks who had forgotten or were last minute shoppers. Personally I'd rather get something at some spontaneous, random time of the year. That way I know he's truly thinking of me and not the holiday.
Sideways Chica said…
Leann...It seems we are on the same page again. Here's to spontaneity...and those poor misguided smucks.

Have a great Tuesday in spite of...

Ciao chica. Thanks for joining the party.
Imelda said…
Hi Teri,

My friend Nick was having a really miserable day today - his first Val Day as a single person for 17 years. I wasn't sure what I could do to make him feel better, but thanks to a stroke of inspiration I decided to direct him over here to read your article. It was the best Val Day present he could have received. Thankyou.

You can read about it here:

Get Nicked
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Imelda...thanks for sharing my "Fondue" with Nick. Everyone else, if you can, stop by and give a few words of encouragement to Nick on this difficult day for those new to the single scene.

Ciao chica...
Nick said…
Imelda, thanks hon. Words fail - mwah.

Teri, thank you for the perspective. It really helped me make sense of the day that for so long was "special" - but really is just another day.
Sideways Chica said…
You're welcome Nick. Have a great week. And enjoy those other 364 days.

Reach said…
I wished to thank you, as your perspective leaves my mind with much room for thought; and that only means growth.

thank you

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Reach...I'm happy to have helped. Back at you.

Ciao for now...

DeAnn said…
So, did you ignore the holiday?
Sideways Chica said…
Actually DeAnn, we went and waited for first come first serve at our local sushi bar. Earlier in the day the husband showed up at my home office with two beautiful orchid plants (not flowers) and yes, I got two, let me repeat this, two boxes of glorious, wonderful chocolates. A nice day with no unrealistic far.

Thanks for asking. :)
Kacey said…
Two boxes of chocolates? Toss that little size 0 outfit out --- is will never fit now! But, the endorphorins created by the chocolate will make you so happy, that your "honey" will enjoy you more without it, anyway. lol
Sideways Chica said…
So right Kacey. Mustn't let those endorphins get clogged! Hope your day (and night) was wonderful. Not to worry about the chocolate. I'm going to pace myself. If you believe that, I have a bridge for sale...

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Hotel, motel or no-tell Fred

If it looks like a duck...