Why do you have to be such a man?

I found myself asking this question to my husband recently, when he made light of my idea that someone should meet us at our home after his knee surgery. I just wanted to be sure that we had help available to get him down the stairs safely to our bedroom. I really don't know why I was worried. Anesthesia, pain killers, and the use of only one of his legs may have factored into the equation. Plus the fact that he is a lot bigger than I am. Well, I needn't have worried. It was all under control. My genius husband had it all figured out — with an intricate, well thought-out plan that definitely put his engineering degree to work. He would just slide down the steps...on his hiney. My, oh my, why didn't I think of that? That's an easy question. The correct answer is, of course, that I’m not a man.

I don't care what anyone says, men and women are wired differently — and not just the plumbing. I'm talking about reasoning, logic...and the ability to think up a plan like hiney-sliding right after surgery (while loaded with drugs and suffering the aftereffects of anesthesia). Perhaps if the plan came about while he was chock full of Vicodin, but no...it was before. Uh-oh, I think I hear some grumbling. The guys are beginning to think that this is going to be one of "those" articles. You know, where the steely feminista writer bashes "the boys." Wrong. The "boys" are safe. While it's unlikely that I will allow any slip and slide escapades just after surgery, I admire my husband’s ability to seriously consider this as a viable option. It speaks to his outlook on life, which is don't spend half of your time planning it...and then the other half worrying about implementing said plan, or doubting your decision. Just do it. In the face of adversity, my husband usually has this same "Hey, don't worry about it" attitude. Living with this can be a bit challenging at times, as I am usually the one who cleans up after any hiney-slide episodes. More often than not, though, my husband's attitude refreshes me...and reassures me. It's when he doesn't come up with one of his "clever" plans that I worry most. And everyone knows that I am the worrier in the family. At least they think they know.

I used to believe that my husband's easy-go-lucky manner meant that he wasn't a deep thinker — that he took nothing serious unless it involved his work. Simply put, I got took. It's taken me 16-years to realize that I was wrong. Yes, I said it. I was wrong. This hiney-sliding attitude of his is a facade. My husband is a fake. He knows that I will never allow him to hiney-slide, so he suggests it anyway — knowing that I will scratch my head and think "What kind of 'meatball' are you?" Thus, I have something else (other than his surgery) to worry about. It's true. Once he put this ridiculous plan on the table, I stopped worrying about his surgery. I prepared the house, filled out the advance paperwork for the hospital, and went to the store and stocked up on easy to prepare (and digest) foods: I plan to give him a lot of Vicodin. I also stopped worrying about the toll yet another surgery might take on his body...or how I would get him in and out of the bath. I just let it all go. I relaxed, which relaxed him. Pretty smart tactic actually. He handled me pretty well. You see, he can't stand to see me worried...because then he worries. And somehow I recognized that it has to be healthier to go into surgery relaxed with a clear mind, than stressed out and full of fear for what might happen. Sure, I worry about his mental health, as most wives would. But this doesn't bother him, because he knows that he is reasonably of sound mind, if not body right now. So he continues to misdirect my attention — and I let him.

Some may think of this as a game. Perhaps it is. I prefer to think of it as communication, however different it may be. I call it "communication," because once I hear (and acknowledge) one of my husband's "astute" plans, bells go off in my head, and a bright light appears...and I know, without a doubt, that he is seriously worried (or concerned) about something. Then a new game ensues. A game of 20-questions on my part, with unsatisfactory answers (grunts even) on his part. But once I give in and give up, the answer usually comes to me unbidden. Do I let him know that I know? Not immediately, and not directly. We usually get there soon enough, working things out gradually. This time however, I had to step it up. His surgery was just days away. So I told him that his hiney-sliding plan was perfect — to go right ahead and "knock" himself out. I also told him not to worry, that I'll be there to slide down by his side if necessary. Am I concerned that he'll take me up on the offer? Not really. I've been down this road before. Besides, I have a pretty good poker face — and an ace in the hole.

My next-door neighbor is a registered nurse — and she has Friday off. Guess which day we return from the hospital? That's right, Friday. My husband has no idea that he'll have an audience (other than me) for his wonderfully refreshing hiney-sliding performance. Why should I worry him? He'll find out soon enough. We wouldn't want him to suffer any performance anxiety...would we?

Dedicated to my wonderful neighbor, Di. Thanks for going along for the "slide."

© 2006 Teresa G. Franta


Angel said…
Good greif this was brillant and if it wasn't 8 AM EST and I wasn't as sleep deprved as I am---I'd toast you with a Guinness. (hmmmmm---NO!)

I thought Hubster and the Boy Wonder were strangeilk because if I'm not right they can't be okay till I am.

Mind you, if you only knew what I dealt with previously.....2 nervous breakdowns that went un-noticed.....

Anywho--really enjoyed this post. Hubster once finished out a filming day with a broken leg. He knew it was broken and just splinted it and went to the hospital afterwards. No need to disrupt the production when it's only a broken leg and it wasn't going to get any brokener. (That is so NOT a word.)

Have a super weekend!
Mellissa said…
Ok, I think I must be guyish in the head, because the hiney slide came to my mind immediately....

Oh, see now I am going to be thinking about my boyness all day long!!


P.S. Your Hub is a cutie pie!!
B.S. said…
I can't help wondering...is TODAY the Friday of his surgery? I'm actually feeling a bit nervous.

Thank you for the glimpse into the intricate machinery of a successful marriage. It's fascinating to nevermarried whirlingbetty. Sounds like a lot of work, though.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Angel...(hmmmmmmm---YES? Please?) On the Guiness that is! Guess not, but thanks for making me laugh so early in the morning. I'm hoping it's a good omen.

And I thank you for my new word for the day - brokener!

Ciao and have a great weekend.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Mellissa...here's to a little boyness in all of us girls. Thank goodness I've got some, as it definitely helps me cope.

Also, yeah he is kind of cute. Ticks me off that he's 10-years older than I am, and it really doesn't show. Can you imagine if it were the other way around? Just wait Demi.

Ciao...and have a great week Mellissa.
Angel said…
The other way round......

Oh yeah! I can imagine it---I'm 9 1/2 years younger than The Hubster.

We share the same decade for 6 months every 10 years!

***quickly checks the math----yup that's right.***
Sideways Chica said…
Angel...now I'm checking the math. Sigh. (quietly gives up, admits that math never was her strong suit)

Sideways Chica said…
Good morning Betty! You don't miss a beat. Last Friday was the day. I wrote this in desperation on the Wednesday prior to his surgery, and thank goodness I did. Once I finished, including the dedication to my neighbor (who so kindly offered her services after she saw me pacing in my garage), I let it all go. Everything went like clockwork...and he is home recuperating - and walking unassisted. Me, I'm like that cat on the hot tin roof. Plus, I'm exhausted. I feel another article coming on. Too bad that I've already used the title "'Til death do us part." But wait...what do you think about the title "What about me?" Yeah, that might work. Everyone says "Oh poor Steve," and I, the exhausted, cranky wife, finally snaps and says "Hey, what about me?" Oh yeah, I already said this to my best friend just the other day. She had the good graces to laugh (and snort) at me for a good long while, until of course, I started laughing and could hardly stop.

Have a great week and thanks for the concern - and the inspiration on the new article. Also, you know it's work. Speaking of work...how's the little chalupa yapper? :)

Ciao chica.
Chris said…
I look at it this way: without our rampant goofballery, what would women do for entertainment?

I hope he's doing well (and enjoying the Vicodin)!
Anonymous said…
ha! Teri, my hubs *barely* has those delightful crinkles next to his eyes, and I'm worrying about the beginnings of frown lines. Talk about being ticked off! He's 15 years older.

Ah, but this new article - your marriage seems to click. It's very cool, like you're two puzzling pieces that fit. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the hiney slide, and all that leads up to it, is a success.
Priyamvada_K said…
LOL, Teri. A fun new sport, eh ;)? Seriously though, good luck to your husband, and to you also. Hope all goes well.

Priyamvada_K said…
Ok, just now read your response to Betty. Glad to know the surgery went well and your husband is recuperating well.

Hang in there, and don't forget to take care of yourself too.

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Chris ..."goofballery." How appropriate. And thanks to the Vicodin, he is doing quite well.

Thanks for the smile, and my second new word for the day!

Angel said…
Okay---I'm having that Guinness---

That's supposssssssed to say that the Hubster is 9 1/2 years younger than me.

Yup me old--him young.

Backin the Guinness up with a shot of Good Irish Whisky.

**no e = Irish w/e = Scottish**
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Raynwomaan...yeah, those "crinkle" lines look good on them, don't they.

We actually got past the hiney-slide last Friday, but barely. As he told my neighbor and I that he was just find, he started to wobble and we both grabbed an arm and crises averted.

Here's to good neighbors...I've got a keeper and I know how rare this is.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Priya...someday hiney-sliding might just make it into the Olympics. Thanks to Chris, it can be put in the goofballery division. :)

Thanks for the kind words of support. Don't worry about me - I've got my own form of hiney-sliding to keep me sane. Did I hear Angel say something about Guinness?

Ciao bella...
Sideways Chica said…
Angel...so glad you clarified the "younger" part. I've no doubt that you, of all people, can carry it off...or carry him off, or whatever! Oh hell, pass me the Guinness, would ya!
B.S. said…
"What about me?" is a legitimate question, worthy of answer. It's "take care of Teri" time!
Reach said…
Teri.. you did it again by striking close to home. And you know it. Please keep me posted to his success and if I may offer any suggestions.
Vicodin is currently my favorite.
I like the "slide" idea; but, that's just the "Tim Allen" side of me.

Sideways Chica said…
Ahhhh Betty...Thank you, and I agree. I am off to "do the do." It has been three months, and I need a haircut!

And I will write that article one day...and I haven't forgotten "insincerely involved" either. You may have to read between the lines, but trust me, both articles are on my mind and will eventually make it to paper. (or computer)

Ciao...and thanks for popping back in.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Reach...Yes I know it. :)

I hope you are recuperating as well as "The Husband." A little Vicodin, a little slide...and next thing you know, you're home. Let's hope it's for good my cyberspace friend.

Have a great week. Ciao.
DeAnn said…
Sing it, sister! A guy friend and I were just talking about how different men and women are, and how it even taints our perspective on movies/TV/etc., because we tend to judge our own gender more harshly -- however wrong that might be, we have high expecations of them or whatever.

Hope everything goes well with the knee surgery! (My aunt just had knee replacement surgery, and she's doing great!)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Deann...welcome and thanks for stopping by and participating. Yes, that male/female thing does cause a bit of tainting. Thank goodness for diversity!

"The Husband" is recuperating just fine, and we barely missed the slide.

I post a new article every Friday. Hope you come on back. I love your enthusiasm!

Here's to the boys and here's to the girls. Glad your aunt is doing well.

Ciao for now...
fjl said…
Amazing we both discussed sculptures and sex differences! Great minds think alike!!
Your husband looks pretty much in good shape to me, I wouldnt worry about the side effects :-)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear FJL...I noticed that also. I'm in good company. Re the "gas," they gave him a "light" dose this time. Less filling and tastes great!

Ciao for now...
Sideways Chica said…
Okay Kacey...come out and play! :)
Anonymous said…
Things keep disappearing, but I'll try for a rerun! I'm here, Teri --- would I forget? My question was---"How can we be married to the same guy?" (Mine is old, but still is a man with a plan) He has had multiple bone surgeries and always figures a way to get the necessities done. The only time he goofed was when he decided to have both carpel tunnels fixed the same day. I was a nurse and working 3-11 that day, so they kept him until my shift was over. It did not dawn on this brilliant man that a person with both hands in semi-casts would have to wipe his butt sooner or later. You should have seen the look on his face when he called from the throne for the resident nurse! But, within hours he was gingerly holding a pitch-fork and cleaning out the horses' stalls. The only time he wimped out on me was for the replacement of his aortic valve with a bovine graft and his lack of confidence scared me --- I'd rather do the fanny slide with him! Hope your "honey" is better this weekend --- so he can watch the SuperBowl in the Detroit blizzard!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Kacey...yes, the fanny slide I think (no, I know) that I prefer also. There are so many similar paths we have traveled. This makes me happy. I'm glad you got a kick out of this article. Our friends have all had a great laugh...and of course The Husband just loves the attention.

Thanks for coming out and playing...sorry about the message fiasco. Makes me wonder how many others have posted comments, thinking I may have deleted them, and then they haven't returned. Honestly, I am really getting frustrated with this.

Ciao bella, and have a great week!

P.S. Really? A Blizzard?
Anonymous said…
That's why I love you guys! "Hi" to both of you - glad it went well.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear A Cat...we love you too. Sounds just like us, doesn't it? Have fun in AZ, and let's hit Geoffrey's when you get back.

We miss you! :-)
Anonymous said…
Knee surgery is tough, I took care of a friend in college after her's and helped with my Dad after his.

My husband has the same kind of philosophies. I do the same thing "Uh huh, sure honey" then he gets home and we inevetiably do things my way and he agrees.

I completely agree, men have different mindsets than women do. My husband thinks things should be put away and organized however he forgets about cleaning like mopping floors, vaccuuming, cleaning bathrooms, dusting, ect. I on the other hand could care less whether things are organized or not, they MUST be clean!
A good friend said this to me once and she is so right. Men's minds work so differently from ours it's amazing we are even part of the same species sometimes!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Izzy...what would we do without each other? I mean men and women. So different, yet so alike. Yes, I completely understand your friend's "species" remark.

I'm glad your husband knows who the sheriff is in your town. (smiling) It sounds like he is a big teddy bear...

Take care and have a great week. Ciao.
Anonymous said…
Glad that things are fine medically and that the slide (or the absence of it) was a fun trip! :))
Sideways Chica said…
Ahhhh Shankari...thanks so much for your kind wishes. Yep, always a fun trip around here. No doubt it keeps me on my toes.
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear the dreaded "hiney slide" was averted and he is on the road to recovery.

Remember to take care of you!!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Leann...thanks for the good wishes. Everything is A-okay. Plus, tonight we both had our first "drink" in three weeks. Boy was that fun! Then I had to come home and fuss with Blogger eating all the comments. ;)

Thanks for coming by...I always love to hear from you. Have a great week.
Anonymous said…
have great hopes for men in their 20's and early 30's--seem to have been raised to be more like women

Glad that your husband is recuperating and so are you!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Pia, I have two sons - one approaching 20, and the other 24. I have high hopes also. Here's "hoping" your right!

Ciao for now...
Callisto said…
My husband rang me one afternoon to tell me he would be home late. I didn't worry as he sometimes works late or goes for drinks. However there was no overtime or drinking involved this time, he had been taken to the emergency ward of the local hospital and that is where he had called from, without letting on. He is the master of the "no-fuss (wife)" philosophy.
Sideways Chica said…
Ahhhh Callisto...that is "exactly" what my husband would have done. In fact, he did! Bet your husband would slip and slide too. Hmmmmm?

Ciao for now chica...thanks for stopping by.
Anonymous said…
Hi there again,
Great article. Hope Mr. F. is back to his old self.
Yes, he is quite innovative. I have enjoyed his humor, and approach to life for a long time now, and it is quite refreshing. How he manages to think soooo young! That's exactly why he married you, I'm sure. You are mature way beyond your years, and yet you remain young at heart. You go guys. Love you both. Keep up the "GOOD LIFE".
Miz. Prinny
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Miz Prinny...you know us well. Yes, he is up to his old tricks already, and a few new ones. Good to hear from you.

Thanks for the kind words, funny girl.

Ciao for now...
Hi Teri,

Glad to hear he's doing well. I'm late to the party again. At a trade show Fri/Sat and then blogger wouldn't let me access you!

My SO does similar things, but when I try it(if manage to be convincing) I get a look of horror that says, "don't even joke about that". Which is kind of cute because it scares him to think I might take a similar risk [that I would never let him take in the first place].

Great post, as usual.

Tak care.
Nicole said…
Teri, thanks so much for this kick in the pants. I was stressing last week about what to do in the event of a potential job relocation. Rather than contemplate the positives, I've been hung up on the details. Now I know what what I need to do is, like you said...just DO it!
moderator said…
Glad all turned out well, Teri! I have to laugh because Divaguy would have come up with the same goofy stair plan. I think we will go a long way to understanding each other more when we celebrate and accept our male/female differences instead of pretending that they don't exist.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Juliemora...what can I say about Blogger? AGHHHHH! Well, it is free, but I too was "blocked" out of my own site.

Ah well....your SO sounds like someone I know. No fear for them is okay...no fear for us is another matter (usually of grave concern on their part).

Thanks for coming by and letting me know that I'm not the only one who deals with (and embraces) the hiney-sliding mentality.

Ciao chica...
Anonymous said…
You always give food for thought. That's why I keep coming back. Thanks for that post.

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Nicole...I hope I didn't get your pants dirty with my "kick." Seriously, I am glad that I helped. This article was my own "kick in the pants." And the pants survived quite well. :)

Take care and let me know what happens.

Ciao chica...
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Divas...what would we do without the goofy stair plans? Fortunate, aren't we? Thank goodness we know it.

Ciao and thanks for popping in.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Kismet...thanks for stopping in for a little "food." And thanks for the kind words and support.

Have a great week.

Reach said…
hello as I thought to drop by and see how all is shaping up. I hope all is better and I am happy to hear about the drinks, the other night. Everything sounds well in your house. :)
Might I comment on the whole "men in their 20's and early 30's being raised more like women. As a guy, I think the most important thing any guy could learn, is "that look". "The look" a guy gets from his "other", when he is about to do something without thought.

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Reach, if this happens with my boys, and I am close enough and no one can see, they get a little tap on the leg. That's all it takes. If I'm not close enough, then the "look" comes out. I think they prefer the tap...

Yes, all is well...and I hope with you as well. Thank you for your concern.

Sideways Chica said…
Wow Dr. Howdy...welcome and thank you for sharing. I assume you are a "true" reader and not spam since your message is one of love. So thank you again. Next time, though, I would be interested in your take "more specifically" on the posted article.

Ciao, and have a great week.
Reach said…
speaking of love, I do love reading your site. As stated before, I am smiling and laughing. thank you

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Reach...thank you! Let me laugh with you...it's been one heck (no, I'll say hell) of a day!

Ciao :)

Reach said…
there has been a change to my page, I hope you do not mind.

Kacey said…
Ciao Teri --- I'm afraid your Dr. Howdy is a spammer, not a loyal follower. He is quoting 5th Chapter of Galatians (the love chapter) and I Corinthians 13:1-7 from the Bible. It is really improper to quote the Bible without citing chapter and verse. (Would that be plagerism?) I appreciate his thoughts, but they are not specific to your joyous writings, so he is probably slapping his post on lots of blogs. :)
Sideways Chica said…
Ah yes Kacey. I figured as much. But I wanted to give him/her/them the chance to respond. I hope I don't have to turn on the "moderate" function. We'll see how it goes.

Ciao for now. See you tomorrow. New post is called "No fondue for you!" And yes, it is in honor of St. Valentine's day.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Reach...thank you for the link. See you tomorrow. New post is most definitely related to the "supposedly" most romantic day of the year. :)

CoralPoetry said…

Dr. Howdy has spammed my blog with the same mental messages. He posts from multiple proxy servers from around the globe and uses hundreds of different aliases. Some of his acts are innocuous but many are evil and threatening.


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