Menu of friends...

Recently I was thinking about the similarities between people and food. We’re all familiar with the famous saying, “You are what you eat.” I brought this up with some of my chicas and we had a great time putting some interesting cuisine in front of our friends’ faces, including our own not so innocent little mugs. We decided to plan a menu for a friendly dinner party. We didn’t base our bill of fare on the food we eat on a regular basis. It was personalities and other little quirks that set our table with an eclectic variety of chow.

We started with a snack...and a friend that always has a dilemma in her life. Nothing on her plate is ever easy. She’s invariably stuck in the middle of something difficult or controversial. Perhaps it’s stealing a bit from the late, great Erma Bombeck, but we decided unanimously that this chica is a bowl of cherries…complete with all the pits. Once pitted, she’s smart and funny, but getting there is a challenge for even the most experienced chefs. But we love her—pits and all.

We moved on to our eternal optimist friend. She sees the stainless lining in every pot, even when the smoke alarm is blasting in her ear. Sometimes her cheery recipe for life gets on our nerves, but we generally clean our plates willingly with her positive outlook. We also recognize that she keeps many of us from going mad—or hungry. We decided that she’s an appetizer—something to look forward to before the main course of life, which isn’t always as appetizing as we expect. Cheese and crackers are too mundane. Hot wings too spicy. We settled on something in between. Her sunny recipe calls for several ripe California avocados and fresh tortilla chips. Yes, she’s the instant gratification that keeps us going back to our favorite Mexican restaurant each week. She is guacamole: the perfect blend of smoothness…which just enough lemon juice so that she never turns brown or let’s her friends get down.

Next, we have our main course chica. Predictable as the day is long. She’s always there for a friend in need, with the right words ready for any occasion. This friend is a savory, down-home meatloaf. She’s comforting, filling and always there in a pinch when we don’t know what to have for dinner…or we’re just sick and tired of the plain old hamburgers, hard to digest steaks and unpredictable chickens in our lives.

Another friend is a specific dessert—and not because of her sweetness factor. This friend can be moody and unpredictable…but a lot of fun. She keeps us guessing. What dessert could possibly describe this hot and cold running friend? A hot fudge Sundae, of course. Cold, cold ice cream, combined with hot, hot fudge. The whimsical whip cream on top accounts for her fun-loving side. The big red cherry just makes us laugh. One friend thought a banana split might accommodate the “altering personality disorder” better than the sundae, but there wasn’t nearly enough hot fudge involved for this hot mama!

Guys weren’t off limits either. We quickly labeled one friend’s husband a steamed artichoke. Sometimes you get all the thorns trimmed off…but every now and then, you get a little “prick” to go along with the drawn butter and mayo. The occasional “prick” might get you a little “steamed,” but overall, this artichoke is a good “egg.”

Another friend’s husband is freshly grilled corn on the cob. Partly because he hails from Claysburg, Pennsylvania which is known as the capital of corn, and also because he’ll talk your ear off on all things corn if given the opportunity. If you’re wondering what could be said about corn that could make you wish you never saw corn again, believe me when I say you don’t want to know. This friend is also corn because he’s chock full of interesting little “niblets” of data that continually amaze me and my menu of friends—the corn lectures not withstanding.

My dear “chow hound” of a husband wasn’t spared kitchen duty either. He’s the leftovers. Not in a bad way, mind you. He’s leftovers because he’s easy to please. He’s also know for his love of food and capacity to eat almost anything. I think the term “cast-iron stomach” applies. Plus, he does one heck of a cleanup job in the kitchen. He’s the best leftovers I’ve ever had…and I’m not sharing.

Finally, we get to yours truly…me. My friends decided that I’m pasta. What kind? Well, that’s the point. I can be any type of pasta on any given day. I’m adaptable. Pasta is comfort food, and I like people to be comfortable. If someone wants baked ziti, then I’m baked ziti. If they need meatballs and arrabiata, then that’s what they get. If it’s rich and filling gnocchi with pesto or Alfredo that’s called for…then gnocchi it is. And, if they want both sauces combined, then I’ll do that too. Yes, my friend’s decided that I look at them closely, recognize their needs, and then serve them up something to comfort and feed their soul. One friend suggested labeling me soul food…but as I can be a bit temperamental, Italian fare won out.

After I returned home from planning my “menu of friends,” I thought of my boys. What food describes them best? My husband and I debated this issue for a while and finally decided that the eldest is mac and cheese. He’s as reliable as mac and cheese, he laughs at everything so he’s a bit cheesy on the humor side, and he’s filling in a good way. If we’re feeling out of sorts, all we have to do is call up our mac and cheese boy. His infectious laugh is a wonderful ingredient to have on hand. He’ll serve us up a nice, comforting, feel-good bowl of cheesy macaroni.

The plat du jour for our youngest son is a no-brainer. He’s pizza. Like pizza, we never know what we’re going to get with this son—especially if we order from our local Domino’s. Thin crust, thick crust, pepperoni, Italian sausage, mushrooms or even chicken…the youngest is adaptable and unpredictable. He also likes to take a few shortcuts in life and he loves variety. What is pizza if not shortcuts and variety? Unpredictable as he is, this son always manages to deliver. He continually surprises and delights, and he’s uber smooth with the ladies. “When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amoré.” And that’s our boy. He’s definitely the works.

All this food for thought began as a joke. In the end, my friends and I found that comparing people to food broils up some interesting recipes for life. Now that we know what some of our life fare is, we can better prepare ourselves for the meal. You know…have a little antacid or band aids on hand if necessary…or the all-important cherry pitter.

I could grill on like this for hours, but I want to know what’s cooking with you? What’s on your plate? What about your menu of friends and family? You may want to turn on your back burner and let this simmer for a while. Be careful though. Don’t be overly ambitious with your guest list. You may end up with too many cooks in the kitchen and the proverbial pot might be stirred a little too much for your liking. And always have your pot holders handy. You wouldn’t want to get burned. My advice is to let everything cook thoroughly and leave out any half-baked ideas. Nothing ruins a friendly dinner partly like a little food poisoning. Some people just can’t stand the heat, so I made sure that my menu was palatable for all my guests before dishing it out here.

Whatever you’re serving up in your hood today—or for the holidays—hot, cold, spicy or mild—I wish you bon appétit. Here’s to good food, good times, and good friends. Let’s eat!

© 2006 Teresa G. Franta


Koi said…
Loved all the food references. This article was really neat!

I have learned a big lesson over the course of the past year. Too many cooks in the kitchen will spoil the meal. Just because you have a lot of friends dosen't mean their good ones. It's quality not quantity that matters. I myself had to weed out a few of the cooks and have realized that simple is better and more elegant (keep it simple stupid) I think it is just a lesson that comes with maturity. Just don't be ready to eat my dish yet though, I'm no where near done cooking, but I'll be ready for a 5 star resturant when I am!:)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Mamalilith...I see you're adept at reading between the lines chica! Whatever you serve up, I'm sure it will be tasty.

Ciao Bella...and have a great week and thank you for the kind words.
JaneDoughnut said…
I'll disagree with MamaL. I know that sometimes it's best to have a small circle of close friends, but I can't help wanting a huge variety of items on my menu. Everyone's got something to bring to the table.

I think I'll be beer. Bubbly but dependable, with just enough alcohol in me. Hee hee!
JaneDoughnut said…
Though I guess DOUGHNUT would have been a more obvious answer.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Doughnutjane...I guess "Duh" would be kind of rude. ;) far we have me, the pasta and you the beer. Sounds like a meal to me. Am I too assume you are the dessert also? I like jelly doughnuts, in case you're wondering.

Ciao bella...enjoy!
ah yes, my husband is corn, mainly because if anyone can tell a corny joke it's my beloved. He's introduced as "this is Steve, he thinks he's the funny one in the family". My daughter is the steamed artichoke. Hard to get to "taste" but worth the effort, most of the time. My son is a sundae. different everytime, cool and sweet, yet you don't want him 24/7, cuz how much cool and sweet can you eat? Then there's me-I think I'm a bowl of salad. salad changes in type and style depending on the vegetables involved in the tossing. sometimes I spicy, sometimes sweet, other times I'm just tired old greens!
great one Teri!
Sideways Chica said…
Ahhh Carine...I had a suspicion you might like this one. I like your menu...and I just want to add that salad is a "healthy" choice - good for you chica. ;)

So now we have a little salad to go with the pasta and beer. Can we have some garlic croutons too?

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Dust-bunny said…

Great post! Really gets you thinking. My husband is a tough one, as we've only ever compared him to Patrick the Starfish, but that's not something edible. I guess marshmallow would suit him, as I have called him a big one in the past! I hate to say it, but my daughter has been like horshradish lately, very bitter and something you really have to develop a taste for. My son, stepson and stepdaughter all remind me of peanut butter and fluff sandwiches, tough to chew but sweet most of the time. And as for me, well, I'm "pizza", of course.

Take good care,
Lisa Pizza
Me said…
What a great post and very fitting for the holiday. All i have been thinking about and doing lately is cooking and getting ready for the big turkey day!
I would think i am a potato...a food that provides comfort for all. everyone craves the starchy taste of a potato in a moment of hunger, so i am just as a potato that provides this comfort to my loved ones. Potatoes are irresistible, so i think i am charming!!( mind the big ego here). it comes in many verities and it is versatile in recipes and everyone likes them, this is how i would like everyone to perceive me, as versatile, satisfying and liked by everyone. it is a good source of potassium, iron and fiber that are essential to build a healthy body, and this is what i do to my loved ones, take care of them in many ways and give them strength.
My husband would be the condiments that go with the potatoes of course. He could be the as hot as the red hot crushed pepper over baked potatoes at times or as sweet as the brown sugar over sweet potatoes! We compliment each other in life and in the kitchen!!
Wonderful post as usual. Made me think!!
Have a wonderful holiday.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear, I think your meal calls for a little antacid once in awhile - or at least a healthy burp. Blame it on the horseradish and pizza! ;)

As for our menu here, we now have pasta, beer, salad and pizza. I think it's shaping up quite nicely! By the way...with or without anchovies?

Ciao bella...glad you enjoyed. Have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Summer...or should I say Mrs. Potato Head? ;)

Great comment and menu chica! Okay... now we have:

Potatoes (Baked with all the toppings I think)

Ciao bella...thanks for playing along!
B.S. said…
Dear Teri,
I'll be thinking about this for a while! I'm kind of brooding today, so this fun and light-hearted post is just what I needed. Pasta, by the way, has always been my favorite.....

Being rather down on myself right now, I'm having trouble identifying my food association, but I'm sure it would be something out of the blender. In fact, it would be one of those times when the cook forgets to put the lid on the blender, and its contents end up all over the ceiling and walls.

Priyamvada_K said…
All right.... Food and friends and family - three best F words there are!

To me you seem to be bread: warm and comforting, down-to-earth, filling, at times sweet like fruit bread, at other times spicy like foccacia - but always interesting! And I believe you go with many different types of food.

Btw, I think my daughter is pizza with Jalopeno-and-Pineapple topping. You don't know what you'll get each moment - she can be extra sweet, and she can be too hot to handle....sometimes at the same time!

Oh, and btw - that's my favorite pizza topping :)

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Betty...then it's pasta for you! Sounds like you need some comforting soul food. Just let me know which kind. ;)

As for the blender worries, it happens to us all. But I have you down for a "blender surprise."

So now we have:

~Potatoes (Twice baked with all the toppings I think)
~Blender surprise

Ciao bella...have a great week!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Priya...I love bread! Thank you.

As for the three "F" words, very clever chica. Very clever!

If you're daughter is pizza, then what are you??? Do tell, so I can add you to the menu!

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Kacey said…
Sweetie, if you are pasta --- I'd guess Angel Hair Pasta --- very fine! Me? I'm probably a chocolate cake--- a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips --- I'll stick to you forever --- ask my darlin' husband. I asked him what food he would be and he said the same thing I did--- steak--- solid, dependable, full of vitamins and iron. I suppose that is why he played linebacker in college. Looks like a smorgasbord in here!
Priyamvada_K said…
Will put myself down as Indian-made hot&sweet tomato ketchup. In India and they call it hot&sweet tomato sauce.

I am that coz I'm a mix of Indian and American. Can get along with most foods. Can pep up a bland conversation. Have a sweet side, but can come across as saucy to the holier-than-thou types and sundry nonsense generators. Able to deliver a zing when needed - but generally pretty pleasant.

Ha - this is pretty fun :).
Have a great week!

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Kacey...Angel food pasta? No way, just ask my friends. If I were dessert surely it would be devil's food! ;) But thank you for the kind words chica.'s what our menu is so far:

~Potatoes (Twice baked with all the toppings I think)
~Blender surprise
~Chocolate cake

Ciao bella...have a great week with your dependable steak man!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Priya...of course you are saucy! I love it.

Bill of Fare now stands at:

~Potatoes (Twice baked with all the toppings I think)
~Blender surprise
~Chocolate cake
~Indian-made hot&sweet tomato ketchup

Ciao bella...thanks for coming back by.
Debbie said…
ok if we are foods what would this house be....I know FRUIT SALAD with a nut or two thrown it!! have a great weekend!
Ballpoint Wren said…
I think I would be a noodle but I'd like to be something fun, like a Fudgesicle. I'm afraid to ask Hubby what he thinks he is!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Debbie...very funny chica. Fruit salad it is.

So now we have:

~Potatoes (Twice baked with all the toppings I think)
~Blender surprise
~Chocolate cake
~Indian-made hot&sweet tomato ketchup
~Fruit Salad

Ciao bella...hope you're feeling better.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Bonnie...for the purpose of this menu, you get to be what you want, and you don't have to sit at the adult table either, unless you want to. ;)

I've added you to the menu...

~Potatoes (Twice baked with all the toppings I think)
~Blender surprise
~Chocolate cake
~Indian-made hot&sweet tomato ketchup
~Fruit Salad

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Me said…
so far good menu, but we are missing a lot of dishes, such as cooked veggies, meat dishs and one is seafood?
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Summer...hopefully by Thanksgiving we will get a few veggies and some seafood to weigh in. ;)

Ciao bella...
Julie said…
I would like to be the main dish friend. I suspect that I'm not. I think I might be the desert friend. Maybe I just like being described as a hot mama.

I moved my blog... (Understanding Myself). Hope to see you there!!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Jules...good to hear from you chica. And as I told Bonnie (Ballpoint Wren), for this menu we can be whatever we want to be! we go:

~Potatoes (Twice baked with all the toppings I think)
~Blender surprise
~Chocolate cake
~Indian-made hot&sweet tomato ketchup
~Fruit Salad
~Hot Mama main dish surprise

Ciao bella...I'll pop in soon and check out your new space. ;)
Reach said…
with long thought I have decided that I am bread. I very much go with most everything and I am better served with wine. My friends tend to appreciate my humor when I am still warm, to savor the laughs like melted butter. I am easy in a pinch, and crusty when needed.

Other than that, my first thought was that I am fondue; at my best during a party.

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Reach...just what we needed. Bread...and Fondue! How wonderful. Now I think we have us a party! And while I do like beer on occasion. I am hoping some "Wine" will stop by and weigh in. Please note I said "wine," not "whine." ;)

Thank you Reach for taking the time to really think about what you contribute to the menu...and I think you are spot on with both choices.

Ciao my friend...have a wonderful Thanksgiving breaking bread and dipping fondue amongst your loved ones.
Shankari said…
Mmmm I like my pasta! :)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Shankari...thank you chica!

Ciao... ;)

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