We've been nominated!!!

Share the love chicas and chicos...

Note to self: Go to the "Share the Love" Blog Awards, now through February 6, and vote for some of our ladies of the roundtable, including Bonnie of "Ballpoint Wren" for Best Site Design, Lisa of "A Comforter is Not a Bedspread" for Happiest and Most Inspiring, Matty of "Running on Empty" for Most Thought Provoking, Kacey of "Cookie's Oven" for "Blog I'll Never Stop Reading" and Teri of "Here's to Happy Women" for Best Writing (and Most Thought Provoking).

First round semi-finalist voting ends on 2/6.

  • Share the Love Blog Awards

    (Vote Here)

  • Comments

    Sideways Chica said…
    Dear Readers...I will be voting Matty as most Thought Provoking, because, quite simply, she is. :) I encourage all of you to do the same.

    Ciao for now...and new weekly article will be up later tonight, and it's titled: "Flirting with danger?"
    Kacey said…
    Don't forget "Antique Mommy" in the humor section, but "Best Writer" is reserved for Teri!
    Sideways Chica said…
    Dear Kacey...so many great entries. I'm not familiar with Antique Mommy, but if you say it's funny, then I know that it is. I will check it out when I get the chance.

    Good luck to you also chica. I have been reading your blog the longest, and I never plan on stopping. ;)
    congrats! how wonderful for all of you.
    Dust-bunny said…

    Oh my goodness!!! You made my day!! Matty mentioned something about nominations, but I thought it was just our little circle, not dozens of blogs!! I'm so proud of all of us!

    You should pop over to Antique Mommy--she makes me laugh out loud! She definitely has the most humorous blog that I've read. But yours is definitely the best-written! Love your style. You've got my vote!

    Again, thanks for the day-brightener. It was thrilling just to be nominated!

    Take good care,
    Sideways Chica said…
    Thank you Carine. Please keep your fingers crossed, and don't forget to vote. ;)

    Ciao bella...
    Sideways Chica said…
    Dear Lisa...back at you chica. Good luck and I guess I will have to check out Antique Mommy soon. I am always ready for a laugh! ;)

    Ciao for now...
    Anonymous said…
    Congrats to all of you!
    Sideways Chica said…
    Dear Jane Doughnut...thank you!

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