Flirting with danger?

I have several guy friends and a few of these boys are great big flirts. They flirt with everyone. The waitress, the teller, the receptionist…even their mother. That’s just the way they are. Are they looking for a sexual escapade? No…well at least not with their mother. Are they acting inappropriately? At work, there’s a good chance they are, given the new rules and regulations. Everywhere else, I believe they’re just being friendly...and having some fun. This brings me to my point, and rather quickly I might add.

Flirting is fun. It makes us feel happy and boosts our self-confidence level. The flirting I’m talking about is the harmless kind, not the lecherous type. It involves wordplay and innuendo…nice, friendly smiles…and the occasional wink. Wow. When I put it that way, I could be describing several of my married friendsguys and gals. And why not? Why should the single folks have all the fun? What’s wrong with a little “word” play among friends…as long as it’s only words?

Settle down now. I’m not talking about what some people call “cheating in your heart.” I’m talking about a little savvy, smart and clever repartee between friends. Nothing hardcore—just a little innuendo and an unspoken contest to see who will be the ultimate wordsmith.

I bet some people out there still think my definition of “word” play is considered “cheating in your heart.” Perhaps it’s the quote marks. None-the-less, I feel sorry for these people. They obviously have no idea what a little smart talk can do for your self-esteem.

By the way, how is it cheating? Just because you acknowledge the sexuality of someone else, doesn’t mean you have to—or even want to—act on it. Men are men and women are women. Sometimes we flirt with one another and it means absolutely nothing…other than we like to flirt. I guess the answer lies with the people doing the flirting…and their motives. I’m thinking that people who immediately think of flirting as “cheating in your heart,” might have some interesting motivation for thinking the way they do. Me? I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes though, flirting can go awry when signals are missed…or misinterpreted.

One person may think his or her flirting is harmless, while the other person takes it seriously. If this happens, then Houston you do have a problem...and no safe landing pad in sight. Personally, I only take flirting seriously with my husband—and even then not so much.

We’ve all heard someone we know referred to as “a big flirt.” Whenever I hear or speak these words, it’s always with an undertone of affection and bemusement. In other words, it’s not serious folks! It’s just flirting!

As always, I like to cover both sides of a debate, so I decided to flirt around with a little “undercover” research. I wanted to get to the “bottom” of this issue. My next stop was I found out that “Flirting with danger,” means to “deal playfully, triflingly, or superficially with…”*

Hmmm? Can it still be considered playful if you’re flirting with danger? If so, that’s irony for you, which, ironically, is another definition of flirting…as in “to communicate a sense of playfulness or irony. Double entendres, with one meaning more formally appropriate and another more suggestive, may be used.”*

Since I rather enjoy a clever double entendre, I decided to look this up too. I found the definition enlightening. It reads, “A figure of speech similar to the pun, in which a spoken phrase can be understood in either of two ways. The first, literal meaning is an innocent one, while the second meaning is often ironic or risqué and requires the hearer to have some additional knowledge.” **

The “additional knowledge” thing threw me at first, but I think I’ve finally gotten to the “bottom” of this flirting thing. It involves playfulness, irony, double entendres and puns. It’s circumstantial evidence at best, but I think I’ve just outed myself to myself. Actually, you might say that it’s official. After completing my not so in-depth “undercover” research on the art and history of flirting and “word” play, I asked my husband if he thought I was a flirt. After all, he knows me better than anyone else does. His response? “A big one.”

It appears that I have yet another label. Now that I know I’m a flirt, I wonder if I’ll take it seriously.

No worries…I’m just playfully and superficially trifling with you.

Seriously…dedicated to my long, lost brother.

© 2006 Teresa G. Franta




Me said…
Teri, reading this post brought a huge smile on my face.
I think it is human nature to flirt and accept flirting from others. We all get this wonderful feeling and boost that we are and still can-sometimes despite getting older- that we can be flirted at!! Was that the right way to say it!!! Oh know what I mean! I love to be flirted at but I am not sure if my husband likes it!! but I do not think I am as big flirt as you are it seems!!!! Kidding!!!
Carrie said…
Flirting is like chocolate. You can never give/get enough.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear tu chica? Yes, perhaps I am a big flirt, or perhaps I just have a way with words. ;) speaking of which, you said it perfectly. And I agree with you 100 percent.

Ciao bella...your comment brought a huge smile to my face this morning.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear that's a tough one. I really like chocolate--a lot! Don't know if I could choose one over the other. Perhaps I'll take my cake and eat it too. Chocolate, of course. ;)

Welcome chica, I see you are new to the blogosphere. I will pop over when I get a chance. Until then, thank you for joining in and participating in my informal weekly rountable. I post a new article every Friday. Hope you can join in again.

Ciao for now...and have a great week.
Priyamvada_K said…
Dear Teri,
What's life without flirting? Wordplays are like a tennis match - lob one to the person, and wait for the ball to bounce back into your court. Sometimes you throw an ace, and walk away grinning - and the other party is also pleased as punch....never mind that the serve couldn't be returned.

So lob away!

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Priya...I love it! Yes, flirting and tennis, a perfect "love" match. ;)

When I could play years ago, I relished the opportunity (and realization) of hitting an ace. Now, I guess I do the same with my words...or perhaps I always have.

Ciao bella...have fun on the court--enjoy the lobs and the aces. As you know, it's all a part of the game. And one never to be taken too seriously.
Chris said…
From one big (and incorribible) flirt to another, consider me "intimately connected" with this topic. ;)

I think the arbiter of harmless vs dangerous in this situation is a simple matter of flirting vs cybersex.

If it's all clever word play and innuendo, well then, that's harmless flirting, all in good fun, have at it. However, once things become less... hmm... "veiled" and a bit more "explicit", then one enters the realm of danger.

It's essentially the difference between a woman sitting on a man's lap and that same woman unbuttoning his pants before she does so. In the first scenario, there could be multiple ways to take the attention, the second, not so much.

Thank you for this post, my dear. It "aroused" a very "stimulating" response. ;)
Sideways Chica said…
Well now steamed things up a bit and knocked my comment section offline for a few minutes. ;)

It seems that you speak from lots of flirting experience, so I shall heed your "thinly-veiled" warning of dangerous "curves" a head. Sorry, I just couldn't resist.

Seriously, your analogy took a moment to sink in, but once it did, I got your point. Oops, I did it again, this time unintentionally. I think.

Really serious this time. You are correct -- if perhaps a bit graphic in your analogy: When there is no "second" meaning, there is only one meaning, and this is goes beyond flirting. Beyond clever "word" play.

Ciao LLB...thanks for weighing in with the testosterone this morning. A bit early, but you were up to the challenge. ;)
Reach said…
I believe flirting is a trust based topic. How much does the Flirter trust the listener will take the phrase in the attitude it was delivered? Also, does the flirted trust the flirter's intentions are solely for flattery. When this trust is to a high degree, I believe the flirting will equally match.
Finally, forming faith from free feeling Flirters footnotes, forever finds fervoring flirted.
Keep up the good thoughts-
As always,

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Reach...good to hear your voice. Leave it to you to make us "reach" a logical conclusion. Of course, you are correct. If one is not serious about the flirting, then one should only flirt with those he or she trusts. A lot of married couples flirt back and forth, because they "trust" it won't go any further. This can be dangerous too much of a good thing is quite simply too much of a good thing. ;)

Ciao dude...have happy hours honing hay, or whatever floats your boat. ;)
Reach said…
;) Have a great weekend, and do anything I would'nt do- which does not cover much.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Reach...back at you. It's nine-holes o' golf for me this weekend. I am seeing progress and having some fun...on and off the course!

Dust-bunny said…

I've never considered myself a flirt, only someone who's very friendly (with men AND women). I like to get to know people, and I truly am interested in their lives and interests! I find that my world expands a little more every time I meet someone who has an unusual career or hobby. Completely harmless.

But beware the jealous wife/girlfriend! I've had some bad experiences with that, even if my husband was right next to me. Some women are very insecure...and some are extremely big flirts themselves, and just project onto you what they themselves might feel or do. Sometimes you're crossing a fine line, and you don't even know it!

Anyway...I think I've finally figured out what "LLB" means... ;)

Take good care,
B.S. said…
Dear Teri,

I used to enjoy flirting at work, and this post took me back to those days. There were more single guys at work then. Now they're either married or gay, and people just don't flirt anymore- not that I've noticed. It's too bad we've all become so serious.

Also, there are geographical differences. Once when I was thinking that men here never notice me, I took a trip to Rochester NY and definitely got noticed! Soon after that I traveled to Milwaukee and had the same thing happen. Isn't it strange that each city seems to have its own code of flirting conduct?

Hugs and winks,
wink, wink! made me think of my hubby! he must always be flirting w/ me, by definition-he's always having fun and using double entendres!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear are a smart chica. ;)

Honestly. I don't really think I'm a big flirt. But for the purpose of the article, I'm having a little fun. If I am a flirt, then I am a harmless one, that's for sure.

Like you, I am a friendly person to both men and women...and I am interested in what people do. And yes, this is sometimes misconstrued. I don't worry about it too much, because life is too short for pettiness...and if it does bother me, then I write about it. Then I feel all better...and usually make it all better.

Anyway...if my word play makes me a flirt, then so be it. We all know that like to play with words.

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear right you are about that geological thing. Sometimes I think it's because geographically undesirable can make for a quick "romance" with no strings or accountability. I also think that people are attracted to something different among all the sameness... I used to always be attracted to European or east coast men - and vice versa. ;)

Good you've made me think of days gone by too.

Ciao bella...have a great week. By the way,during my "research" I came across a book on how to flirt? Really, what's the world coming to when we need a book for something as natural and fundamental as flirting. What's next? How to flirt with texting??? ;)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Carine...Good for you. Make sure you flirt right back. Who am I kidding, you're probably the master flirter! ;)

Ciao bella...enjoy the week and have fun flirting.
Kacey said…
Dear Teri, Flirting depends on the ages of the flirter and the flirtee. When you are older than dirt, the dude that gives you a wink peobably has hearing aids and false teeth. The wink is most likely a twitch from his latest cataract surgery. Way back when I was a young, nubile woman, I can remember flirting a few times. If those guys had picked up on my signals, I would have run for the hills. My idea of flirting is to flirt with my own "honey" --- at least it will get me a dinner out. When I watch young people today, I don't see flirting, but outright sexual performance. They walk through malls with their hands on each other's butts and locked lips. Their eyes tell me that they are already intimate --- even if they are only fourteen. Why flirt when you can just say, "How about it?"
Sideways Chica said…
Dear never disappoint, and why would you as you are the original sideways chica? ;)

"young, nubile woman" has me laughing -- I can only imagine how you used to torment the guys, and without even knowing it. In fact, I bet you still torment them.

I agree with your assessment on the mall crowd. Flirting seems to be a lost art. Maybe that's why a book is necessary. How sad...but not for me, as I still remember and enjoy. Not sure if I am "nubile," but I do okay.

Ciao bella...start flirting now so you can go out to dinner this weekend!
Carrie said…
I LOVE to see women flirting with my husband and I encourage him to flirt back. I consider it the best compliment of all! (It works both ways, too. My husband LOVES to see men flirt with me and enjoys my flirting in return.)
Hi Teri,
What a coincidence. I just came from The Laughorist's site (Pawlie) and he wrote about flirting today too, but from an entirely different angle.

As always, an entertaining and thought-provoking read!

Have you made any progress on the book front?
Ballpoint Wren said…
I enjoy listening to flirters and flirtees, but if it's directed at me I blush and stammer. I'm not quick-witted like Hubby is and can never participate properly.

But I do agree there's nothing wrong with flirting.

And Teri, thanks so much for mentioning me up there in your sidebar! I voted for you, Chica!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Carrie...I see that you are a good for the goose, good for the gander chica. I sawy, good for you! ;)

Ciao bella...enjoy!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Doc Andrew...I will have to check that out...I always like to hear all sides of a story. ;)

As for the book, it's about done...bit it's the proposal that's much more difficult. That's why I hope to get the Share the Blog award. Seems editors don't really appreciate all the money I made for my clients with my clever and manipulative words through the years. They like to see writing awards...up front and personal. So...

if you haven't voted yet, what are you waiting for??? And thanks for all the support and encouragement!

Ciao Doc...have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear at a loss for words? Hard to believe chica! ;)

Thanks for voting for me...and of course I am thrilled to give you kudos...after all, how many Super Sabados have I been in???

Good luck chica...I know a lot of people who've voted for you. You deserve it and much more!

Ciao bella...enjoy the week.
Seven said…
That is so remarkably confusing that an analytical genius like myself is left scratching his head.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Seven...what a wonderful compliment! Especially from an analytical genius like you. ;)

Have a great weekend...and don't hurt yourself over analyzing too much - or scratching.

Ciao for now...and welcome. I post a new article every Friday. Come back by again and maybe I won't be so remarkably confusing...but then again...
Big Dave T said…
Nope, not a flirt. Though my wife at times thinks blogging is a form of flirting.

Hea, I ran across your blog nominated for some kind of award. So I voted for you. Not sure what the category was, though. "Most Flirtatious Blog" maybe.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Big Dave...most flirtatious would be fun, but I'm just an amateur when it comes to's the word play I like! ;)

Thanks for the was for Best Writing and Most Thought Provoking. Not nearly as fun as flirtatious.

Ciao big guy...

P.S. I do believe your wife is right!
Kacey said…
Congratulations on being a finalist in two catagories! You have to change your banner to a finalist! I knew you could do it! Everyone--- go tell all your blog friends that Teri did it!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Kacey...thank you! And in no small part I am sure, it's due to you and your unwavering support and encouragement. I will change the sidebar as soon as I finish a deadline I'm working on right now.

Ciao bella...sorry you didn't make the finalists, but I voted for you and so did all of my chicas!!
fjl said…
Male flirts are a disgrace, and should come with a warning x
Sideways Chica said…
Dear FJL...I think the fact that they are "male" should be disclaimer enough, don't you?

Seriously, just kidding "guys." I think it all depends on the type of male (or female) flirt. Harmless, or not so much.

Ciao bella...thanks for stopping by and have a great week.
Anonymous said…
flirting is an art and one not only has to be creative but be sure you're fly isn't open while attempting to impress...from experience I speak.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Jerrster...I would imagine that the fly open thing wouldn't be too impressive when trying to flirt...and no, I don't have another meaning here! ;)

Thanks for stopping by and welcome! I post a new article every Friday. Come on back...but please check your fly first. After all...we're not those kind of chicas! ;)
Teri, My vote is cast ... for you. Good luck!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Doc Andrew...thank you! You are my favorite Doctor...and one of the smartest people I know. ;

Ciao for now my friend..and thanks again.
Debbie said…
when i moved back north from GA i was in high school. because of my accent and politness i was always accussed of flirting. It used to horrify me. but as an adult it does not bother me so much, the accent is gone (unless drunk or really angry) but i try to be very polite as i need to show to my child that is the way to be. I get accused often of flirtling, but if i decide to turn it on WATCH OUT!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear out indeed. I bet your accent is charming chica, and I can understand the misconception. ;) In fact, I've been thinking of writing something about the differences of locale, and misconceptions. Thanks for another example!

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful! I love flirting. I've always known that I'm a BIG flirt. It's just fun.

And something else I discovered when I began to ponder my flirtiness - I enjoy flirting with women. It's certainly not "cheating in my heart' (although really my husband wouldn't mind THAT scenario ;) - it's simply fun.

Words and intelligence makes for a heady combination.

As for the book, I'll wait patiently for my autographed copy! :)

I think this might have become my new favorite! From one flirt to another.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear pleased am I that I pleased you? Very! Yes, you are a big flirt - I've known it from the beginning chica.

To me there is no more potent aphrodisiac than intelligence. I think it must be the same for you too. ;)

Ciao bella...thank you for taking time to come by and make my day.
Anonymous said…
Nice blog you got here. I'd like to read a bit more concerning that matter. Thnx for giving that info.
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