A lose-win situation...

We've all heard of a win-win situation, but what about a lose-win situation? Sounds confusing, but it’s not. Sometimes when we lose we still win.Take for example a recent event in my life. Some of my readers nominated me for both “Best Writing” and “Most Thought Provoking” in an online competition for women bloggers.

I told everyone who would listen—and a few who wouldn’t—that I wanted either one of these awards for the first line of my book proposal. I explained over and over again that it would be a call out to influential people, especially editors. It would make them stand up and take notice and provide validation that I was doing something right—that there’s an audience out there for my sideways voice.

How pompous, silly and narcissistic I must have sounded...and stupid. I failed to realize that receiving the nominations and then making it into the semi-finals meant that I was being noticed already—and that my readers were plenty influential in their own right. More importantly, they wanted to hear my voice. And if the past year is any indication, they’re pretty good at spreading the word. And they have on my behalf over and over again.

My point—and I do have one—is that every cloud, no matter how stormy, does have a silver lining. It may not come in the guise of a shiny trophy that we can put on a shelf and admire every day, or boldly proclaim on the first line of a book proposal. But it’s there none-the-less; reminding us that even though we may lose, we can still win. All we need to do is stand up, take notice, and pay attention.

Just moments after I heard that I was a loser, I knew that I was also a winner. I’m a winner because my readers believe in me and they enjoy what I write. Enough so that they nominated me for the two categories that are very near and dear to my heart—“Best Writing” and “Most Thought Provoking.” I take pride in what I write and I put a lot of effort into making my essays topical, conversational and interesting. Thought provoking? For me, that’s really what it’s all about. I want to make people think first…and laugh later.

This contest experience has opened up my tiny little corner of the blogosphere to thousands of people who have never heard of the sideways chica or me. And I now understand that I have to keep exposing myself—or at least my work—to more people. And by people, I mean more readers. Instead of flying under the radar, guarding my essays and their copyrights for future publication, I need to get the word out and start pushing syndication of my site in appropriate areas. I need to share with the world what I have to say here…or I will never be able to say it there—and consequently will have no need to worry about any copyright issues anywhere. And I need to do all of this while staying true to myself and my faithful readers who have encouraged and supported me this past year.

I find it ironic that Heres to Happy Women initially began as a three month research project to hone my writing skills and find out what smart women and men wanted to read about, think about, laugh about, and cry foul about. I think I get the picture now. I know I hear your voices. And your voices are much more than a focus group. They are my muses, my conscience and my friends. But please, let’s keep this our little secret. If the wrong people found out that I’ve been hearing voices for well over a year now, and written well over 60,000 words chronicling these voices, let’s just say I might be tied up for a while.

Maybe some day I’ll win that shiny trophy, or get that impressive first line of my book proposal. Until then, I’ll take—and be quite happy with—“Best Writing” and “Most Thought Provoking” Semi-finalist. I was, after all, in very good company. I will wear these nods of approval from my devoted readers with pride. I will consider myself a winner because of all those who nominated me, voted for me and then championed my cause. I will consider myself a winner, because I am. I have learned so much about life, laughter and love from my cyberspace friends that I often wonder where I would be today without Heres to Happy Women. I am extremely grateful.

Thank you all from the bottom of my somewhat twisted and sideways heart. And welcome to all of you who are newcomers to my roundtable. From this day forward, Here’s to Happy Women is no longer a research site. It’s my site. It’s your site. Thank you all for letting me provoke your thoughts each week. I promise to do my best. And I promise to always think of those silver linings—but I need your help. I need your promise to give me a swift kick in the hiney if my eye ever wanders to that trophy shelf again—and I promise to get my head out of my arse post haste. I think the term I’m referring to is “Asshat.” Feel free to use it if necessary.

©2007 Teresa G. Franta

Dedicated to Kacey, the original Sideways Chica, and Matty, a real kick in the pants!


Me said…
Thanks for writing such nice articles all the time, that brought much joy and fun read to me. I am sure many of your readers feel the same way i do about your writing! keep on writing and you are a winner in my book dear Teri!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Summer...thank you. You are an inspiration and one of those voices I hear in my head as I put together each week's fare. I wanted to post this article to let you all know how necessary and influential you are to my thought process.

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Yes, I switched to new blogger and am testing 1 - 2 - 3... Let me know if you have any problems posting comments. You can find my email on the sidebar. Thanks!!
Chris said…
Another fine post from the Fine Post Mistress. :)

I love those creative epiphanies, where you realize you've been doing the very thing you're waiting to do, only not quite the way you thought you'd be doing it. My entire writing career has been like that so far.

And as a very ardent and devoted fan, let me say how happy I am that this wonderful blog is here to stay. :)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Christopher...somehow I knew you would understand. And yes, this was an epiphany that nearly jolted me from my seat. At first I thought it was an earthquake, but it was a natural element of another kind. All it took was a spectacularly wonderful and now rare golden orange sunset on the coast to put a few things into perspective. As the blazing golden orange sank on the horizon I lifted a glass and proclaimed myself the luckiest of losers. Then I toasted those wonderful voices in my head. Think maybe I should cut back on the vino? Not a chance...I love your voices, and I love my vino. ;)

Ciao LLB...take care and good luck with the contest. Let us all know so we can lend our support.
Leann said…
I'm sorry you didn't win, but I absolutely love what you write. I always have to read your posts when I have time to concentrate on the subject matter. (i.e., not when watching the grandkids) I don't always get it the first time thru, so thank goodness I always read it a few times over :-)

Keep up the magnificent sideways thinking and writing!!
How true Teri! I feel so much more confidant now than I did when I started my "blog" last July! seeing more responses, gaining more insight. Be proud, stand tall and carry a pad around to scribble down possible future articles that we will all enjoy reading about!
Spicy said…
Thank you for dedicating this post to me and Kacey. I'm truly honored.
I felt good as well just being nominated! Keep up the good work, we all wouldn't be here, if we didn't feel comfortable on your blog.Not only thought-provoking, but fun as well.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear LeAnn...you are so sweet and kind chica. Thank you. ;)

By the way...how are those boots doing? Walkin', stompin' or just dancin'?

Ciao bella...have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Carine. Thank you chica. No note pad necessary here though. I've written so many video scripts that I think and hear in constant dialog mode. I have been known to use a digital recorder though! Just in case the memory starts to go. ;)

Ciao bella...thank you for all your support. Have a great week.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Matty...thank you chica. And speaking of fun, as I said, you are kick in the pants hilarious! ;)

Ciao bella...glad you're a regular. You always tend to sharpen my point. Enjoy!
B.S. said…
Dear Teri,

It doesn't matter to me which blogs won the contest- I'm one of your many loyal readers who will keep coming back here for more insight, friendship, and humor week after week, unable to imagine a superior blog. Thanks heavens you didn't cut us off after 3 months!!!!!

With hugs and appreciation,
Leann said…
Boots are draggin'. I'm pretty much hating my life right now.
Reach said…
Funny, I didn’t feel like a “test-tube microbial”.

As you know, I understand what you are saying. So, here’s to the valuable Empty Trophy Space on the mantel.

The one thing that I have learned in recent years is simply stated- Every cloud does have a silver lining; however, each sunny day does not reveal the under lying message of any lining. Are we not richer for recognizing the silver lining, or the cloud for that matter?

Since you push yourself toward higher levels at these times, I think you should go for awards like this if only for the challenge. At a time like this, it is the final recognition in view with the climb that creates a façade of descent. When the truth remains, your reality increases with striving toward a more progressive performance.

You know I salute you, and I know of three others who do the same! So take out your microscope and examine this Petri dish again. The Microbial are ready to celebrate and party on an Empty Trophy Space, for this is where we are- your trophy. I guess the reality of this space, is not empty.


PS, by chance did you check out that site I sent to you?
Dust-bunny said…

In case you didn't know, your blog was the very first blog that I had ever read (Carine's was the second). If it wasn't for some surgery laying me up back in September (and therefore giving me hours to "surf the 'net"), I'm not sure how long it would have taken me to even discover "blogging" (yes, I really had no idea that blogs existed six months ago)!

That being said, I always find your blog professional, entertaining and inspirational. You gave me hope that I could dredge up my creative writing skills that had been lost for so many years in the muck. Some dreams that have been on the back burner have come into front and center again...and I may not realize them for years, but I'm sure on my way! My teacher in the creative writing class that I take at a local college (a required class for work, since we do so much writing about our consumers) said that she felt I was wasting my time in her class and thinks that I could be a published writer already. Talk about hope! And I never would have gotten so far had I not read your blog!

As for the contest, I knew that you would make it to the finals and I was actually SHOCKED that you didn't win! I was thrilled just to be nominated for two awards and feel the same way as Matty does. It's such an honor to be recognized!

My only question to you now is how you have all of your posts copyrighted every week. I would really like to write more "non-personal" essays, but I don't want to do so until I can prevent someone from stealing them!

ANYway (and it's only 9:30a.m.; I'm usually only this long-winded when I've had a glass of wine)...keep up the good (fantastic) work. I know I speak for many when I tell you that you are an inspiration to us all! We love the "Sideways Chica"!!
Kacey said…
Good Morning Sideways Chica! I love Cris' name for you ---Post Mistress! (That sounds like the name of a book, already) I know that you would have won if the people who started the contest were all starting from scratch. Unfortunately, they all had known of each other's work for over a year, so they had a huge following among homeschooling moms. I'm happy that you felt as though you had won by becoming a finalist. You are my first and favorite regular blogger, never go away. I'm waiting in line for your first book ---"The Orange Curtain Post Mistress". Anyway, next year, you will do better --- now that we know how it works. (Sorry I didn't get here yesterday --- I have a couple of spring breakers here for the week --- probably going kayaking today. Quick, where are my seasick pills?)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Betty...my, my, my. I didn't post this essay to get all these wonderful kudos. But I love them. ;)

I posted this one to thank all of you and let you know how much you have all inspired me. Not just with words of kindness or praise, but for the thought provoking comments that keep me rolling...and on my toes. It's a constant challenge to bring something to the table that you can all relate to and sink your teeth into each week. You, personally, have inspired several articles. But you already know this chica. Thank you.

By the way...you were the first blog I really sunk my teeth into...keep on whirling Betty, the blogosphere is a better place because of writers such as you. ;)

Ciao bella...enjoy.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear LeAnn...I've found that when the boots are draggin' that it's time for a little boot-stompin' fun to put things into perspective, or at least release all those clogged endorphins that are threatening to develop into a great big old pimple on the end of the nose. Laugh chica...I don't care at what, or whom, or with whom...just laugh. Silly jokes, imaginary scenes...just laugh out loud 'til your sides ache.

Ciao bella...take care and let me know if I need to send a laugh or two your way. ;)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Reach...how eloquently you say what I feel. Thank you.

And whenever nominated, I will go for the awards...as dear Kacey pushed me to do. I have long been a successful behind the scenes producer, so up front and center is a little difficult on the comfort zone. But I will do it because I feel I have some important messages to get out there...

You have long been an important voice to me...and I value your opinions and insights. You always bring something to the table that makes me stop and think - and laugh and smile. Thank you for helping me "reach" for the stars. ;)

I stopped by that site and it seems I need an account for access. I used to have one long ago but forgot the password. I will re-up and visit soon. Thank you for the invite.

Ciao my friend...you are a special person and a truly nice guy.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Lisa...what a lovely comment chica. You are a wonderful writer...and I truly enjoy your voice. What your teach is saying is that you are beyond her talents, and it is the business of writing you need to learn about. Word of caution. FOr me, the writing is easy - even though I spend a lot of time proofing, editing, etc. It is the business of writing that is difficult. Hang in and persevere...and thank you for the heads up on that site the other day. I need to participate in these things.

As for the copyright issues...throw them to the wind chica, but cautiously so. There are a few sites you can post and still retain your rights - though impossible to enforce. Find those and stay away from the ones that say you give up all rights. It's all about the exposure.

Each of my essays is one of my children...and I hate to let them go. But I can always write another child, and so can you.

Ciao bella...take care and keep writing. You have a big fan in me. ;)
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Kacey...my original sideways chica. Yes, Chris is very clever with the words...and he seems to "get" me every time, as do you. ;)

Thank you for everything. I remember your first comment on my blog. Seems we both found each other first. I read that comment over and over again in the first few weeks and it gave me hope that other sideways peeps were out there and willing to listen to my voice and join in my roundtable.

You are a special chica all around. Enjoy the kayaking and get ye some dramamine!

Ciao bella...enjoy!
Ballpoint Wren said…
Well, I like your columns and I look forward to reading them on weekends.

I'll always vote for you, Teri!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Bonnie...back at you chica. I think you are one of the most talented writers and sideways minds in the blogosphere. ;)

Also...I am rather partial to Mojo as well!

Ciao bella...enjoy!
Anonymous said…
Teri darling, you've always been a winner with me, and with oodles of other Blogospherians. Your voice speaks to us because you have a knack for expressing, quite eloquently, the Everyday. From a wonderfully sideways perspective.

Although someone else got more votes than you did, I'm firmly convinced that it is only because those who voted elsewhere simply didn't know who you were, and, had they known, they would've voted for you. Absolutely.

So here's to hearing voices! May they continue for as long as you care to write and listen.

Sideways Chica said…
Dear Crafty...how wonderful you are chica! And loyal! Thank you.

Yes, it is the every day I write about, because it is the every day that hits my radar in one way or another. For years I sat back and said to myself, "Is it just me?" Now I know that I'm not alone...and that many more, like my readers here, hear these same voices.

Here's to the voices...and the good company I'm in with all of you.

Ciao bella...enjoy!
Tamarai said…
Well, you always have a fan in me, Teri. Your writing has always been topical, interesting and thought provoking. That's why we keep coming back!
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Tanya...thank you and back at you chica! ;)

Ciao bella...have a great week. Enjoy!
Big Dave T said…
I thought those contests were for fun anyway. Not that you don't deserve the honors, but ever since one of my favorite bloggers got passed over for a nomination, I think they're just too political to be taken too seriously.

Though I think writers have a hard time developing a thick skin, I think successful writers have to believe in themselves first and foremost. There will always be critics. There will always be those who won't enjoy whatever you write.

So we know you're a good writer. You do too. That's all that counts. (Ooops. I'm just assuming that editors will agree with us cause we're right).
Sideways Chica said…
Dear Big Dave...thank you and you are correct about the thick skin issue. Having been in the ad game for so long, I have a thicker skin than most. Notes, notes, always notes from people who just want to screw up what you've written for political reasons.

As for the assumption...you know what that means. Regardless, I think I'll just assume along with you. ;)

Ciao Big Dave...have a great week. Come on back Friday. I think you'll enjoy this week's fare. You might not agree with me...but I think you'll get a chuckle or two.
Leann said…
I laughed myself silly with some co-workers yesterday Teri and it felt darned good. I just don't do it often enough. It's been too long since I went out and just had fun, just because. I'm honestly working on that tho..... baby steps. It's like I lost a part of myself when I left Alaska and I'm just not finding her again.
Sideways Chica said…
Dear LeAnn...good for you chica! Give it time. Baby steps will soon turn into leaps and bounds...in those boots no doubt! ;)

Ciao bella...keep laughing and have a great week.

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